Weekly Horoscopes: Sept. 6-12

Created by Shangri La Tarot, Astrology, Reiki 111 Austin Street, 469-994-2295

This week is pushing us to get our lives in order. It’s a chance to hit the reset button on our emotions and start fresh. We are being encouraged to be more focused, pay attention to details, and take responsibility. Remember, our daily habits shape our lives, and the expectations we set for ourselves define who we become.  

Aries. Lately, you’ve probably been feeling bold and ready to speak your mind. But this week, things change a bit for the Aries. Making you more cautious about sharing your deepest thoughts. If you find yourself feeling moody, try not to react too quickly. Let your feelings come and go without taking them too seriously.

Taurus You are setting you up for some great opportunities, Taurus. You’re eager to make a difference in your life, especially when it comes to love and dating. Fresh insights help you figure out how to spend your time and energy wisely, so you can focus on what truly matters.

Gemini There is a boost to make some changes in your career this week, Cancer You’re looking for excitement and a fresh start at work. This week is all about taking your goals seriously and going after what you really want. Success is within reach!

Cancer You may be feeling a bit restless. You’re ready to go after what you want, but remember Cancer, you don’t need to be overly pushy. Stay excited, but keep things balanced by being direct without being too forceful.

Leo Situations throughout the week will stir up your subconscious. It might feel a little uncomfortable at first Leo, but as the week goes on, you’ll find chances to break free from old habits. Trust your gut feelings and pay attention to the signs around you, especially in your dreams.

Virgo Virgo, a fresh start is coming this week. You’re ready to focus on yourself, and everything else seems to fall into place, Virgo. With renewed confidence, you’re prepared to move forward, even if you’re not sure what’s next. Self-love and awareness are the keys you’ve been missing.

Libra People see you as reliable and quick to get things done, Libra. As work changes come your way, don’t forget to set boundaries. You’re not a machine—you need time to care for your mental and emotional health, too.

Scorpio You may feel more reserved this week, Scorpio. Keep conversations close to home with your loved ones. It’s okay to put your family first this week. Remember, it’s alright to say no and take care of personal matters.

Sagittarius Sagittarius enjoys a wave of good energy coming your way. You’re ready to aim higher and redefine what success means to you. Your friendships and social circles feel re-energized, giving you a boost to pursue your goals and dreams with renewed enthusiasm.

Capricorn Capricorn looks to be putting a spotlight on relationships. You’re going after what you want in love with passion. Wearing your heart on your sleeve makes you a true love warrior, but don’t forget that healthy relationships also need boundaries. Codependency isn’t love.

Aquarius You’re ready to set intentions that will improve your close relationships, Aquarius. This is  your time to  prepare for emotional growth. This week is about letting go of old baggage that’s been holding you back from true connection and vulnerability.

Pisces Your relationships are getting a fresh start. Whether it’s with a partner, a friend, or a family member, things are shifting in a positive way, Pisces. This week, you and those close to you are finding new agreements and understanding. It’s time for a mature and meaningful reset in your connections.

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