Youth pastor, student minister joins FBC

V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute

If you’ve regularly seen a young couple wandering around through Jefferson, attending different events, it’s not just another tourist who really likes Jefferson; it’s First Baptist Church’s new youth pastor and student minister and his new bride Ryan and Agibayle Jonse.

The Jonse’s arrived in Jefferson back at the first of May and have been settling in.

“I’ve been spending a couple of hours each week walking around and meeting people,” Ryan said. 

Ryan is a student at ETBU  completing on his Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministry with a Pastoral Ministry Focus. Abigayle also works in admissions at ETBU and helps with the children’s ministries.

“She keeps me in line,” Ryan jokes.

They are lifelong friends, meeting in the 5th grade and started dating in 8th in Hallsville. They were married in May of this year.

Ryan was recruited to FBC by the Rev. Ron Danley to focus on youth ministry.

“My goal is to have one youth event in the area each month,” Ryan said. 

Ryan is currently holding small group sessions with FBC’s youth.

“It’s a time they can come, talk, and learn more about the Bible,” he said. “Wednesday nights are focused on youth, in their language, so it’s easier for them to relate to and understand, and lead them to want to go deeper.”

“Passion creates passion,” he said, “and I want to help them grow and be passionate about the Bible.”

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