From the Left: Republicans: Stay Focused, Get Involved

Hunter Bonner/Marion County GOP Chair

With the election weeks away, things are ramping up faster by the day politically speaking. The rhetoric from talking heads in the media, attacking Donald Trump and Republicans 24/7, is evidence of this since 2016.

We as Republicans must stay focused.

When I was campaigning for county chairman, it became very apparent what issues matter to Marion County Republicans:

• Secure the border.

• The economy/inflation.

• Education.

This is not a scientific poll, but it is information gathered by speaking with many voters in Marion County.

The border is out of control and has been for years. During this administration, the efforts to secure the border have been absent. Lip service and photo ops are all that we have seen. Our own Governor has done more to try and curb the flow of illegals into this state and nation. Let’s also not forget the border wall that Trump implemented and Democrats stopped.

The House Committee on Homeland Security, in a report, stated, “how Vice President and Biden-appointed ‘border czar’ Kamala Harris has failed to resolve the self-inflicted crisis at America’s borders.”

The economy is a shambles with interest rates that have inched so high it is putting home ownership out of reach of many Americans, and those in Marion County. Gas prices and groceries are prime indicators of a bad economic situation.  

Additionally, Democrat efforts to strangle the fossil fuels industry is an attack on thousands of jobs in this country. Harris’ posture towards fracking does not sit well with battleground states like Pennsylvania, and certainly not here at home in Texas.

Finally, the Department of Education is a bloated arm of the federal government that needed reform 25 years ago. Their left-leaning embrace of United Nations curriculum programs, along with the ever encroaching form of sexuality instruction is a disgrace. The focus should be on teaching common sense subjects like reading, writing and math, in which American students are struggling. Also there needs to be a recommitment to focusing on programs that increase knowledge of civics and national identity.

Regarding Title IX guidelines, the DoE’s likelihood that it will try to define sex based on “gender identity” and not biological sex, threatens equality in girls sports, and is another reason for reform. Harris has stated quite clearly she supports genetic males in girls sports. This is immoral and undermines fairness.

My fellow Republicans, we must stay focused on these key areas that affect everyone. Republicans believe in free markets, and that you, not the government, are better at managing your lives. Democrats believe the government is best to manage your life. How’s that been going these last four years?

As your Republican Chairman, I am committed to driving this message home with voters. However, we need ALL HANDS ON DECK for this effort. It is time for you to get involved in our local GOP. 

Tell your friends, neighbors, church members, and family they need to get to the polls and vote. If they are not registered to vote, get them registered, or reach out to the Marion County GOP and we can direct them to the right resources. Come to our GOP meetings and stay informed on legislation that affects all of us, and how you can help.

Hunter Bonner is the Marion County GOP Chair. He can be reached at

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