Filing Opens for City Offices

Staff Reports

The clock is ticking if you want to run for the Jefferson City Council.

The official filing period began on January 15 and runs through February 14.

Up for grabs are one Alderman seat in each of the City’s three wards, plus one unexpired term which was not filled at last year’s election.

The Aldermen who’s seats are expiring are: Ward 1, Bubba Haggard; Ward 2, Ray Hengst; and Ward 3, Robin Moore. An additional seat in Ward 2, formerly held by appointee Dan Harrigan, is also available. No one sought the Ward 2 seat in 2024.

Each position is a 2-year term, except for the additional Ward 2 seat which will run for 1 year.

Council will hold a special meeting at 6:30p February 11 to order the election.

Application packets are available at City Hall during regular office hours.