Fishing Report Jan 24-30

Lake O’the Pines: 1st off to know where we’re at we need to back up a little to see how we got here. Several people around me have asked what happened to the bite at the boat slips in many necks. Well fluctuating lake levels and lake luster temps the shad never moved into the areas like past years. Crappie are gonna be close to bait while feeding. Fast forward this past weekend I noticed the fished moved out about 6-7 feet deeper then the previous week. Remember their keeping up with their food source, I look for the next 4 days to push them down a little more. so next week focus on 30 – 32 ‘ pockets on flats Hurricane Creek and south of Watts Island the shad were holding 24-26’ in these areas on the break lines with the crappie right below them. Natural colors worked the best but, don’t be afraid to mix it up. The larger fish were right on bottom. In the channels you’ll see the same thing with denser shad balls and a lot more bar fish. Some fish we cleaned looked to be about 1-2 weeks out from making that upper end run, some larger females are staging, smaller fish weren’t quite where they were. If your needing quality plastics check out Kellyville Three Way or Brushy landing on the lake. Small cats are good at the spillway and noodles are working on larger cats in 24-28’ of water. current pool 229.15’ spillway discharge 1909 CFS Water clarity stained to murky. 

LOP Fishing Guide provided by Crazy Angler Tackle of Jefferson. Follow them on FaceBook at @crazy.angler.tackle

Caddo Lake by Mark Allen: Is on hiatus until later this spring when the Bass return.

The Caddo Lake fishing report is provided by Mark Allen’s Guide Service on Caddo Lake. You can reach Mark by visiting his website at or calling him at (CELL) 903-530-0611 or (LANDLINE) 318-375-2620.