Staff Reports
Safe food waste disposal is a priority during power loss situations, and the City and County have a solution.
The City will have a roll-off dumpster at the Elections Building on N. Alley Street and one at the Community Center on N. Haywood Street. Both dumpsters will be changed out daily to minimize odor.
“These are for food waste only,” said Mayor Rob Baker. “Please do not bring brush, furniture, or other debris at this time.”
Marion County Commissioners opened up their Solid Waste Dump locations to make it easier for residents to dispose of waste generated by the storm and subsequent loss of power.
“We need to ensure Marion County residents can dispose of refrigerator and freezer waste as easily as possible so we can avoid a bigger health issue in the future,” said Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur.
Times and what is accepted follow. All directions are given with the city as a starting point.
Pct. 1: Open 8a-4p daily. No charge for Food Waste (must be bagged) or brush. FM 729, cross Johnson Creek Bridge, go past Crestwood, turn right on Victory School Road, go approximately 3 miles, then turn right on the second road to the right. Dump is on the left approximately a half mile.
Pct. 2: Open regular hours and days. No charge for Food Waste (must be bagged) or brush. 49E to FM248, turn Left and go 3-4 miles, turn right onto dirt road, sign will say Pines Road, cross RR tracks, dump on right.
Pct. 3. Open 8a-4p Wed-Sunday. Food Waste ONLY. Must be bagged. 43E to MC3503 (turn left), go 1/4 mile, dump on right.
Pct. 4: Open 10a-4p Thurs-Wed. No charge for Food Waste (must be bagged) or brush. 49W to FM729, left on FM726 to cross Ferrils Dam, turn left on FM 3001. Go 2-3 miles, dump on right.