Our View: Power to the People: Citizens speak up, get results

This week, the “will of the people” was more than evident. 

Jefferson residents attended Monday and Tuesday nights Budget Workshop in large numbers and expressed their views over a proposed 2024-25 budget cut to Friends of Jefferson Animals made by Mayor Patricia Finstrom.

Finstrom, who’s responsibility includes providing the City Budget, cut FOJA’s funding from $16,000 to $500.

Funding for Jefferson Salutes Ameria was also eliminated. 

The justification was about how the City has bigger issues than stray animals and needs the money elsewhere.

The public was not happy to say the least.

Finstrom, and some Council Members, made comments Monday suggesting to just “stop feeding them and let nature take it’s course.”

Tuesday, Citizens made their point that this was unacceptable, with over an hour of public comment – all at 3 minutes at a time.

Council and the Mayor were reminded that they are there to serve the will of the people – not their personal beliefs or convictions.

Budgets are tricky to say the least. But, maybe the revenue numbers should be updated before one starts cutting programs or adding buildings.

The funds were restored to both programs, but it shouldn’t take the proverbial “2×4 to the head” to get the Mayor and Council to listen to their constituents.

Citizens are right, “The Mayor [and Council] needs to Do Better.” For everyone.