A Moment with the Minister: Have you worshiped today?

Rabbi Lynnette Arriela Bonner, Bethel Temple Fellowship

As a believer and follower of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we worship and serve our creator of the universe. 

So what is worship and why do we do it? The Hebrew definition comes from the word saha, which means to bow down, prostrate oneself, do reverence, before God in worship.

Worship plays a key role in our relationship with God – we can experience this because of Jesus, (Yeshua.) Worshiping God, is recognizing Him as our Creator, Savior, and King. It’s how we tell God that we love Him, it’s our appropriate service of gratitude and thanksgiving for all God has done in our lives. 

Worship is a way to share the gospel message to people who don’t believe; when others see us worshiping God, hopefully they will realize that there is someone who deserves our worship, and that could be the start of them wanting to learn more about God. 

True worship is laying down at the foot of the cross of Jesus what you love and live for, laying it down. Worship is giving up everything to Him. Worship is obedience unto the Lord.

I love this interview with John Piper (teacher of desiringGod.org) that says,”The inner essence of worship is to know God truly and then respond from the heart, to that knowledge: by valuing God, treasuring God, prizing God, enjoying God, being satisfied with God above all earthly things. Worship also depends on a right spiritual, emotional or affectionate heart-grasp of God’s supreme value. So true worship is based on a right understanding of God’s nature, and it is a right valuing of God’s worth.”

Worship is understanding that God is not a mean God, or unfair God, its understanding His character. He is trying to love, protect, instruct, lead us how to live in a sinful world. When sin entered the world, it became corrupt, and instead of living in a Garden of Eden, we live in a fallen world. God Almighty is here to help us if we want the help. 

So how did some people just become observers instead of participators in worship? If someone doesn’t believe in the truth of God or the truth of His word, they can’t worship something they do not believe in or know. They just don’t quite understand who God is, and haven’t experienced His love, grace and mercy yet. But hopefully, one day they will understand that Yeshua, Jesus loves them and died for them and He wants them to accept them in their hearts and follow Him. 

Worship is not all about singing, dancing or even playing instruments, those actions are a by product of what’s in our heart. It expresses what its in your heart. Instead of watching people worship, let’s become a participator and worshiper to God Almighty. 

In Psalm 92, King David isn’t singing because he can sing, he is singing because he knows who the master of his life is. The Lord is His rock and there is no unrighteousness in Him. Worship is also about offering to God our mistakes and our miracles.

In closing, worship is who you are, not what you do. As we live for the Lord and serve Him, our actions in life will speak of His glory and show what He has done in our lives. Psalm 150:6, “Let everything that has breath Praise the Lord.” My question to you is, “Have you worshiped today?”

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