Letter: Council Should Take Vote of No Confidence

Since the election of Patricia Finstrom as Mayor of Jefferson, her administration nearly from day one has been plagued with controversy.  However, after a recent council meeting on Tuesday, September 24, is it abundantly clear that something must be done to end this reign of nonsense.

Jeffersonians, and yes, even county residents, remember the ridiculous, and frankly cruel statements Mayor Finstrom made about the stray animal population by stating, “stop feeding them and let nature take its course.”  The proposed cutting of the budget from $16,000 to $500 showed a complete lack of understanding of the issue.

Also, during these budget meetings, proposals of cutting budgets by the Mayor were being made without updated revenue numbers.  This too demonstrates a lack of understanding of the job.  It defies common sense why you would propose budget cuts without all the information in front of you, other members of the council, and the people.

One of the more striking examples of lack of understanding of the role of mayor, has been what appears to not understanding what type of government the city council is.  It has been apparent that Mayor Finstrom thinks as mayor, she’s calling all the shots.  In fact, former mayor Rob Baker, had to point out that this is a “weak mayor” type of government.  

He’s right; Mayor Finstrom does not have the power to “rule from up on high.”

However, the exclamation mark on her administration to date occurred at the September 24 meeting.  This meeting had Public Works Director Mr. Whatley feeling the need to have his attorney present just to speak with the mayor and council.  In the meeting it was alleged that the Mayor is engaging in verbally abusive behavior toward Mr. Whatley and with contractors that are tasked with mowing of city property.

In the video of the meeting at time index 19:48, in response to the gallery, Mayor Finstrom stated, “I am so sick of these people.”

Working with the people is what Finstrom signed up for.  In fact, Councilwoman April Taylor-Johnson said, “This is what we signed up for.” and to paraphrase her further, “we cannot continue on with meetings like this.” referring to the adversarial atmosphere in meetings and with staff.

An adversarial attitude is not conducive to conducting city business, and that can have a ripple effect down to economic development.  Which by the way, this city is in desperate need of.

As a candidate, Finstrom stated that she was “here to help the best interests of the city.”  The best interests of the city are for her to resign as mayor.  

If she refuses, then a special called meeting should be held in order to discuss, consider, and approve a “vote of no confidence” and vote to remove Mayor Finstrom from office. This meeting should definitely have a public comment time, before any action is taken.

— Hunter Bonner

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