‘No Body Dumping or Fatal Accidents’ in City Limits Monday Night, DPS Still Investigating 59S Accident

Despite a series of rumors circulating on FaceBook and in messages, there has not been an accident involving a train nor has a body been dumped inside the Jefferson city limits.

According to Jefferson Police Chief Florentino Perez, “there have been no fatality accidents involving trains, and no body was dumped inside city limits on Monday.”

“Texas Department of Public Safety is still investigating the accident on US 59S involving a pedestrian and a vehicle which occurred outside the city limits late Monday night or early Tuesday morning,” Perez said. “The individual is not believed to be local to the area.”

Texas DPS has no information to release at this time on the accident on US 59S, but will keep the Herald apprised of the situation as information becomes available for release, according to DPS Sgt. Gregg Williams.

Williams is also checking on what information is available on the rollover accident on FM 729 Monday night.