Letter: We Demand A Higher Standard

Dear Editor,

We read that the Moon Lake Development crew pulled out from doing any business with the city of Jefferson, including the annexation, which will result in missing out on a projected $750,000 annual tax revenue, not to mention up to 120 families spending their money at our shops, restaurants, and businesses.

After watching the JEDCO and city council meetings, and reading social media posts, why wouldn’t they?

We saw a city appointee, Robin Moore, accuse a city councilman and our mayor of felonious charges based on her “opinion.” 

We saw her blurt out and interrupt city officials outside of public comment. We saw her badger a councilman at a JEDCO meeting pushing a false narrative that is based in anything but facts. Even more concerning, we saw her come from a place of “no” instead of a place of welcoming business owners.

If Jefferson is going to survive, we must be a community that welcomes all businesses and do all we can to set them up for success, because ultimately their success is our success. 

We must explore all avenues to try and find solutions to problems, otherwise we won’t have any businesses knocking on our door.

Robin Moore’s public comments, social media posts and her involvement in harassing the Moon Lake developers, make it clear that she is out of line with the businesses, people, and values of Jefferson.

We demand our elected officials, city employees, and city appointees be held to a higher standard. 

Just as we felt the need to remove a city manager and a city chief of police for creating unsafe conditions for our community, we must now remove a city appointee for coming after the business community.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Robin Moore, the businesses of Jefferson deserves better.

Concerned Business Owners, 

Stan and Michelle Davis

Jefferson, Texas