Moment With the Minister: ‘Shalom Chaverim’

By Rabbi Linda

Chag Sameach!   

Happy Passover!  It’s time to celebrate Passover; the biblical feast of the Lord.  I would like to share a brief message of what Passover is about for the world.  It is the greatest love story done for mankind.

Our Creator loved us so much, that he sent his only begotten Son, Yeshua, to this world.  He was born to die.   Messiah said, “No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of my own accord.  I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.  

This command I receive from My Father.”   Yeshua was willing to die, so that all mankind would have the opportunity to have eternal life in Him.  John 3:16 is Passover.  “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  

Exodus tells of the redemption of men through an undefiled, sacrificial lamb that was a foreshadow of what Yeshua would do for man.  God said, “It is the Lord’s Passover” Exodus 12:11   

The Lord Himself gave His Son and it is the “Lord’s Passover” for mankind.  

In Exodus, the blood of the lamb was applied over the door post of personal homes, which signified redemption.  Death had no right to take the souls of men into eternal damnation.  All who had the blood applied to them, were free from death’s plague.  The wages of sin is death, but life is in the blood.  Animal sacrifice could not save man.  God made a temporal atonement, until the appointed time of Messiah’s birth, death, and resurrection. 

Prophecy declared a child would be born, which is a sign that God loves man.  God’s love sent His only begotten Son Yeshua to rid animal sacrifice and exterminate sin and death.  

Yeshua was the supreme sacrifice only one time.  Yeshua’s pure blood was not tainted being that He is the Son of God.  The shedding of His blood was atonement for Man.  Redemption is in Yeshua’s heavenly blood that no other has.   

Yeshua did not come to do away with the law, but to fulfill the law.

Yeshua’s precious blood must be applied to our house, that being our hearts, so we will have eternal life and not eternal damnation.  

Pharaoh wanted to keep God’s people as his slaves.  God said let my people go.  Pharaoh fought to keep people slaves, but they were not his to keep.   No human has the right to own another human being.  No king, or government.  

Yeshua paid the price with His life and he owns us.  

He loves us so much He will not force us to love Him.  He gave us the choice to love and be free in Him, 

or to be in slavery to our enemy (the devil).  

You choose your eternal destiny, because God has given us the ability to choose life over death. Pharaoh’s pride and fear caused suffering.  

The Israelites suffered under evil rulers, because of disobedience to God.  Pharaoh’s decision to disobey Adonai caused the nation of Egypt to suffer plagues, the last which was the plague of death.  No one escaped death, be they Jew or Gentile.  

Death passed over those who had the blood of the lamb applied to their house, which foreshadowed

Yeshua’s blood applied to our hearts.

History repeats itself.  

Today we have similar authorities who say that those who believe different than them, need to be retrained in our thinking, and to believe like them.  

Choose who you will serve!  I choose life eternal so that death will not affect me.

Hebrew Word for today:  Plague in Hebrew is “Maggephah” –slaughter, disease, a strong blow, or death blow.