Right tools means good news

While growing up, often the right tool to perform a task properly was not available.  Many times we rigged a way to get it done; but seldom with ease.  The proper tool would have saved time, frustration, and physical energy.  REPENTANCE is the proper tool for Christians for so many situations.

REPENTANCE leads to salvation.(Acts 2:38, Mark 1:15)  Except a person repents they cannot be saved or enter into the kingdom of God.  Why is there so much joy in heaven when one sinner repents?(Luke 15:7,10)  Repentance says to God the Father that I accept and receive the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, to purge(wipe away) sins.  Therefore, the Father is happy.  His happiness automatically spreads to the angels in His presence.  It grieves the Father when the devil can just whip His children at will because of their unrepentant sin.  Sin that is already paid for by Jesus Christ.  Forgiveness automatically activates when true repentance takes place.

REPENTANCE restores fellowship with God.  Fellowship allows enjoyment of the benefits of being a child of God.  Without fellowship with God, we don’t enjoy the benefits such as peace, power, victory, honor,  joy, love, faith, glory and so much more.   Jesus says, “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”(Luke 5:32)

Consistent REPENTANCE maintains protection.(Luke 13:3,5)  Demons go about seeking whom to devour.  Sin initiates demonic attachment.  That’s how they “kill, steal, and destroy” in one’s life. Repenting handcuffs their ability to destroy. Christ came to give us life and life more abundantly.  Many Christians experience demonic strongholds in their life that require a habit to repent immediately.  Otherwise, the stronghold overcome the Word in them(or lack of Word) causing life destruction.  An associate who runs a healing ministry says they found an astounding correlation between repentance and miraculous healing.  Those who truly repent after finding the offending sin receive healing consistently.  Their ministry experiences a high success rate when this happens.  Blessings such as joy, freedom, peace, deliverance, fellowship, healing, and salvation  follow REPENTANCE.(Matthew 3:1-2) 

REPENTANCE maintains the flow of Holy Spirit in our life.(Eph 4:30)  Holy Spirit is either flowing in a Christian life or is stagnant(grieved).  When He’s flowing, we are walking in power, victory, and authority.  When Holy Spirit is not flowing, we walk in defeat.

Today, remember this good news of repentance.  REPENTANCE (1) Releases the life of God into a human, (2) Restores fellowship with God, (3) Releases joy, healing and deliverance, (4) Maintains the flow of Holy Spirit, (5) Maintains authority of the believer, (6) Acknowledges the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  That’s good news to use the right tool.

Leroy Richardson pastored the New Zion Baptist Church for eight years. He has written devotionals for the Jimplecute since 2015 and operates KJTX 104.5 FM.