Texas AG Dismisses FOIA Complaints Against MCSO

From Staff Reports

The Texas Attorney General’s Office has closed the file on the Freedom of Information Act complaints against the Marion County Sheriff’s Office filed by the Jefferson Jimplecute earlier this year.

Per the Letter from the AG, “The sheriff’s office has submitted to this office the enclosed certification that all existing information responsive to your request has been made available to you. When a governmental body represents to this office that it has released all existing responsive information, we must accept it’s statement.”

According to reports, and statute (Texas Government Code Chapter 552), a government agency is required to release requested information within 10 day of receiving the request.

“Apparently they [the Jimplecute] were using the actual date they wrote the request for the start of their ’10 days,’ even though it may have been a couple of days before they mailed it, and 2-4 days before we received it, which is the date that counts,” said Sheriff David McKnight.

Since U.S. mail is currently processed in Shreveport, La., items mailed from Jefferson, even to Jefferson addresses, can take 2-4 days for delivery once mailed.

Copies of the letters from the AG’s office follow.

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