God’s Ancient Landmarks

Shalom yall,

God sets ancient landmarks, which remain in our world today and are on display internationally in many forms.  These landmarks exist in nations, towns, buildings, monuments, and other forms.  We are not to remove them, but we need to understand them.  Established by God, they are immutable boundaries.  They do not drift, nor change from generation to generation.

Israel has been in conflict over their property, the most valued property in the world.  Biblical archaeologists around the world continually announce their ancient findings and historical landmarks left by God.  This is for man’s understanding of truth.

Mark Twain commented that Israel was, “destitute and a barren land.”  So, why so much conflict over barren land?  It is spiritual warfare that is the answer.   Truth vs Lies.  God left His legacy of love for the world through many infallible truths and landmarks.

“Remove not the ancient landmarks, which thy fathers have set “. Prov 22:28

Israel is Gods ancient landmark.  What happened in Israel changed the world and will never be undone.  Israel still affects the world.  We must “pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” Psalm 122:6

Israel is God’s love for the world.  The birth, death, and resurrection of Yeshua happened in Israel. Messiah’s return will complete His redemption for mankind.

One of God’s many landmarks is here in Jefferson, TX.  It is the Historic Synagogue, and Jewish artifacts displayed in Jefferson’s Museum represents God’s love extending to Jefferson.  It is a spiritual connection to God.  Just to be at His historic landmark, which is the synagogue and its artifacts, is an emotional experience the tourist must encounter.  Acknowledging Jefferson as historic is recognizing its national historic landmarks.  Each represents an outstanding aspect of America’s history and culture.

Landmarks, both national or state level, have their significance in their buildings, culture, settlements, military, politics, RELIGION, and other values.  The importance of existing structures, reference points, wayfinding, and communication are remarkable objects in a tourist setting.  These symbolized objects, feature a town that is recognized from a distance.  Many historical towns vanish and become ghost towns.  With all the history of Jefferson, it is amazing it still stands, and stands on Gods will.

“I pledge the allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, One Nation, Under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

God’s landmarks are more than just buildings.  God’s synagogue has life through worship, and His biblical feasts come alive in reenactment for the world to see.  The synagogue’s biblical foundation is on God’s Word.  Biblical feasts are ancient and historic, from the beginning of time.  Through much despair comes greater love.  The one new man Jew and Gentile together.  

Those of us who love God and our neighbor, who have a passion to keep God’s Word, preserve His biblical feasts till the last trumpet sounds.  These are Yeshua’s gifts to the world.  What a great legacy and heritage for Jefferson, not only locally but nationally as well.

Together we pledge our allegiance to God, and our country’s freedom.  Please pray for such a beautiful and rare landmark.  It is truly one of a kind, speaking of Jefferson’s historic synagogue that it will glow and grow in its beauty for God.

Hebrew word for the day :  Landmark —Gbul— Territory, border, region, enclosed within boundary.

Rabbi Linda

Bethel Temple Fellowship