Looking Up: Psalm 8

Jeff Taylor/First Baptist Jefferson

Billionaire Richard Branson launched into space on July 11th, onboard Virgin Galactic – part of a new space race between billionaires.  Amazon founder Jeff Bezos made his space flight on the 52nd anniversary of the moon landing – July 20th. Their goal is to create a privatized space program that will allow those can afford the $250,000 ticket to take a trip into outer space, roughly 80 miles above the earth. 

I’ve always been interested in space: I was eight years old when man stepped on the moon, and I grew up watching the Apollo missions.  But when I look up at the sky, be it morning or nighttime, I’m not thinking about how to rake in millions of dollars or about rockets.  I look to the skies and celebrate what God has done.  So did David. 

I imagine that as David wrote Psalm 8, he reflected upon his youth, watching his father’s flocks. Looking off into the night sky, he saw the hand of God at work. He writes, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him . . . ?” In verse 3, David says “When I consider . . .”  When we look at the creation of God around us, it leads us to think about our creator. 

Pondering the wonders of God’s creation, it then led David to praise Him. Both the opening and final verse say, “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth.” When you look at God’s creation, what does it say to you? Take some time this weekend to ponder the wonders of God all around you; the flowers, a hummingbird, the wonderous colors of sunset . . . God’s touch is all around us!