I read the dust up between Pastor Ho and Ms. Opiela. I can hopefully write a brief response from a conservative Lutheran layman’s perspective. I add the term conservative because there are Lutheran offshoots that are willing to compromise principal in favor of ecumenicism. Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Pastor Ho bases much of his article on ancient Old Testament prophecies and applies them to people living today. This tact has been successfully used throughout history. Demonize your opponents; the Huns, Muslims, Pharisees, Marxists, Maoists, Nazis, etc. . . . Although he is correct about absolute power corrupting absolutely. A thousand years of Inquisitions, torturers and at times genocide against their secular opponents speak for themselves. The paraphrased quote “Kill them all. God knows His own.” (I.e., let God sort them out later?) was from the Pope during the Cathar genocide.
Ms. Opiela’s main objection comes from her, and the Pope’s, interpretation of Matthew 16:18. The Papist view is their divine right, handed down from Peter, the mortal man. Martin Luther’s view is that the “rock” upon which the Church was built was Peter’s faith, not his physical being. Just as it was the faith of Abraham that was counted as righteousness. Likewise, you can point to the faith of Rahab, Thomas, etc. . . Thus, the doctrine of justification by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
There has been bitter arguments and warfare over this issue for thousands of years, and will continue till the second coming. Until then, read John 5:30-47.
For an actual, learned insight into this , I encourage you to visit cph.org and do a site search for “The Smalcald Articles and The Power and Primacy of the Pope”.
—Bruce Ockrassa