What Do You Think?

Why isn’t White America doing more to make sure that blacks or African Americans are included in American History? 

Why haven’t the history books been rewritten to include African Americans? 

If American history is rewritten to include all ethnicities and their true successes and failures does that mean racism will end? 

Racism is a stain on America that was created and fostered throughout the world. 

When the Civil War took place, although it had other underlying issues, slavery became the focus. 

Then the ensuing civil rights afterwards and for many years African Americans have been and are treated unfairly. 

If America really wants to end racism and create equality, the history books must be re-written to not only include African Americans and their contributions but their lives and stories as they intermingle and co-exist throughout history. 

We cannot continue to want to justify the treatment of Americans throughout history and not correct past mistakes. 

I do believe if the history books were re-written and written correctly with facts and not folklore then this would be the beginning of the end of racism.

-Sherry Spencer