Democrats will lose…

To the editor, 

If Democrats wonder why they are likely to be pulverized the next couple weeks of midterm elections…think about some recent policy decisions…In New York the D.A. from Manhattan Alvin Bragg announced last week jail time for the most egregious crimes…making robberies and assaults, go free…all this going on while violet crime is up dramatically in major cities…New York included!…but the stupidity continues..The city’s new mayor, a perceived centrist Democrat Eric Adams decided to back a new law allowing noncitizens to vote on New York  City elections…is this what they would like to do nationwide?…with inflation out of control…with gas and groceries that affect us all at near all time highs…and immigration that is rampant!…

    The Democrats do not realize how radical their policies look to Middle America…we are as polarized as ever…..think before you cast your vote in the next couple weeks…Am I better off then I was  a couple years ago ?….

please post in next addition if possible


Avinger, Texas