By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher

Editor’s Note: Due to a technical error, two reports had to be generated and then manually summed for final totals tonight. County Clerk Vickie Smith is working with the equipment manufacturer to consolidate and produce one official list by the time the ballots are canvassed. Listed totals were calculated by the Herald from the two reports. Both reports will be posted on Wednesday.
Voter turnout was slightly lower this year than in 2016, according to data released by Marion County Clerk Vickie Smith. This year 2,221 people cast ballots, while 2,308 voted in 2016. Overall 30.458% of the registered voters in Marion County cast a Primary Election ballot.
Only 205 Absentee ballots were returned this year while 265 were mailed out. Early and absentee voting saw 766 (10.5%) Marion County residents cast their ballots at the North Alley voting location.
Republicans had 458 early votes cast and 94 absentee ballots. Democrats has 103 early votes cast and 111 absentee ballots.
Local Races
State Representative, District 9, Incumbent Chris Paddie, defeated challenger Mark Williams by a wide margin. Paddie received 1154 votes to Williams’ 323. There was no Democratic challenger.
In the Sheriff‘s race, Republican candidate David Capps received 1,410 votes and Democrat candidate David Quada received 467 votes.
County Commissioner, Precinct 3, Republican candidate Ralph Meisenheimer received 188 votes, and Democratic candidate Corey Watson received 201.
Constable, Precinct 1, Republican candidate Ed Baird edged out Michael Williams 673-539.
Constable, Precinct 2, Republican candidate Jeff Greer received 211 votes. Democratic candidate (and incumbent) Tashia Wilson received 167 votes
All other local races were uncontested across party lines as well as inside the party.
Updates will occur on Wednesday to all totals not reported.
This year Marion County had Countywide Polling Places which allows registered voters to cast their ballot at any polling location. The county also consolidated voting locations.
Full Results Reports
Note: To get the totals, the total vote from each report, below must be added together.
Early and Absentee Voting
March 3 Voters