Welcome to the Marion County Herald, the Jefferson Jimplecute, and Marion County Media LLC website.
The Herald and MCM LLC are an entity in Jefferson, Marion County, Texas. The Jefferson Jimplecute is a for profit partnership corporation in Marion County, Texas.
Our Mission
To Provide news and information occurring in, and of interest to the citizens of Marion County,Texas.
To Engage the Community in Daily online and Weekly print publications, Live Video, and Interactive Chat and Discussion in a Fair and Non-Biased format.
Who We Are
The Marion County Herald is an Online Only publication and, as such, can publish legal notices, but they do not count towards official publication standards in Texas.
The Jefferson Jimplecute is a printed weekly newspaper distributed primarily in Marion County, Texas. It is a valid source for official publication standards for legal notices and paper of record notices. The Jimplecute‘s digital online presence is located on this site.

The Company was founded by V. Hugh Lewis II. Mr. Lewis has over 35 years of Journalism and Print Experience and has spent the last 15 years focusing on Online News and Information Delivery. Lewis handles the day-to-day operations of Marion County Media, including the Herald and Jimplecute.
In August of 2020, MCM formed a partnership with Austin J. Lewter, a newspaper expert with over 25 years of publishing experience. Mr. Lewter exited the partnership in June of 2023 after purchasing a newspaper in North Texas.
Together they acquired the Jefferson Jimplecute from Strube-Palmer Media, LLC.
Additional experts in the fields of Legal, Advertising, Online Marketing, News Writing, Feature Writing, and Photography will be added as employees or board members of the corporation. These experts have been tentatively identified and will be added as they accept positions.
Contact Us
General: We offer online banner or display ads on our website as well as video ads in our Live Streams.
Starting March 1, 2020, the following online rates apply:
- Banner ads (next to Header at top of every page) are $75 per calendar month. Ads rotate with others ads.
- Exclusive Banner ads (only ad in Header) are $150 per month.
- Display ads (inline with stories and on sidebars) are $25 per calendar month.
- Video Ads are available inside of live streams – either at the beginning, at the end, or during breaks. Contact us for more information.
- Printed Display (ROP) Ads in the Jimplecute are $8 per column inch. Contact us for more information.
- Pro-rating is available
- Packages are available for multiple months and types of ads.
Political: We do not endorse any political candidate, but we do share election information which has a direct bearing on Marion County, Texas.
- Online Political Banner Ads are $250 per calendar month. Ads rotate with other ads
- Online Political Display Ads are $150 per calendar month. Ads appear inline with stories and on sidebars
- Online Video Ads are available inside of live streams – either at the beginning, at the end, or during breaks. Contact us for more information.
- Pro-Rating is available
- Packages are available for multiple months and types of ads.
- Print Political Display Ads in the Jimplecute are $9 per column inch and must be pre-paid. Online re-display of printed ads is not included.
Legal: Legal Notices can be published in the Jefferson Jimplecute on a weekly basis. Publishers Affidavit’s with tearsheets will be provided after publication series is complete. Legal notices can also be published online, but, as Texas does not recognize Online Legal Notices as valid publications, a printed version must also be done. Contact us for information on publishing these notices.
Classifieds: Classified advertising is $7 per ad for up to 15 words, then $0.45 per word afterwards. This includes 1 (one) photo. Additional photos are $1 each. Ads are on the website for 2 weeks. Price includes 1 (one) printed publication in the Jimplecute. Legal notices are $20 for the first 15 words, then $0.50 per word following. Legal display ads are $8 per column inch.
Other Services
We offer a full range of other services including printing posters, save the date cards, business cards, digital design services, etc. Contact Us for more information.
We are also a Certified Texas Notary Public and are available for Notary services at any time. Just Contact us at 903-665-2462 or via email or Facebook Messenger.
History of Jefferson
Jefferson has a long history going as far back as the founding of the Republic of Texas. Some links to that history are:
- A History of Jefferson, Marion County (via the Gutenberg Project), by Mrs. Arch McKay and Mrs. H.A. Spellings.