SWEPCO is installing advanced digital meters for its Texas retail customers. The Advanced Metering System (AMS) uses advanced metering and secure wireless technology to provide timely and accurate meter reading data. If we cannot change your meter out, we will leave a note on your front door. SWEPCO employees orContinue Reading

Gary Hunt was named Jefferson Rotarian of the year 2021-2022 at last week’s club meeting. The ‘Rotarian of the Year’ award may be given to a member who exhibits “Service Above Self” in their daily activities and who promotes Rotary by their actions, involvements and principled commitment to the Four-WayContinue Reading

Upcoming Music Auntie Skinner’s • August 20: WTW, Donnie’s Birthday • August 27: Lee Mathis All Bands Play from 9p-1a Upcoming Meetings • Jefferson City Council Budget Workshop 6:30 p.m. on August 23. • Jefferson City Council Budget Workshop 6:30 p.m. on August 30. Meet the Bulldogs JHS will hold “MeetContinue Reading

Staff Reports Commissioners took all the necessary steps to setup the November 8 general election during Monday’s special meeting. The election calls for local voting for County Judge, District Clerk, County Clerk, County Treasurer, and Justice of the Peace Pct 1. In Marion County, all the positions are unopposed. EarlyContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Every August I remember our history.  For professional historians, history is based on documents.  Documents give us a look into real time events rather than looking backwards.  Documents help us separate reality from storytelling. On Aug. 6, 2001 a Central Intelligence Agent handed George W. Bush aContinue Reading

The Jefferson ISD board of Trustees opted, Tuesday night, to leave the tax rate unchanged in the ’22-23 school year.  Superintendent Rob Barnwell and Finance Director Mike Wood explained their recommendations related to the proposed tax rates at the regular Board meeting.   According to Wood, it is expected thatContinue Reading

Upcoming Music Auntie Skinner’s • August 13: Lossey Anna • August 20: WTW, Donnie’s Birthday • August 27: Lee Mathis All Bands Play from 9p-1a Upcoming Meetings • Jefferson City Council at 5:30 p.m. August 16. • Jefferson City Council Budget Workshop 6:30 p.m. on August 23. • Jefferson City CouncilContinue Reading