V Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute The North East Texas Municipal Water District (NETMWD) approved a “Mutual Separation Agreement”  between them and General Manager Wayne Owen during Monday night’s regular monthly meeting. “The Board of Directors of Northeast Texas Municipal Water District and I have mutually decided to end my employment.Continue Reading

Staff Reports What started as a 10 acre fire quickly spread to over 500 acres Wednesday afternoon as high winds across the County pushed it into nearby woods. The fire resulted in Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur to issue both an emergency Disaster Declaration and a Burn Ban for theContinue Reading

Staff Reports Jefferson’s Stephen Pullum has been working on cybersecurity for over 40 years. Now he’s combining that knowledge to help pioneer the ethical use of AI. His philosophy, “If it doesn’t help, it hurts,” underscores his mission to create technology that protects and empowers. With real-world experience spanning decades—whenContinue Reading

Remarks prepared for the NETMWD Directors by David Simpson of Avinger, March 24, 2025 Walking around Jefferson last week with my wife and grandson, we stopped at a bust of Thomas Jefferson and read his words: “When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as a publicContinue Reading

Hunter Bonner Since December of 2024, the main topic of discussion in Jefferson/Marion County and around the region is about a possible water rights sale to the communities north of Dallas County. Since then, city council and commissioner’s court meetings have been heavily attended all over the water district area,Continue Reading

July 16, 1936-March 20, 2025 Pauline “Polly” Tabor was born on July 16, 1936, in Ruston, Louisianna to Floyd and Annie Belle Phillips and passed away on Thursday, March 20, 2025, in Jefferson, Texas. Her teaching career took her from Shreveport, Louisianna to Mannheim, Germany and finally to East TexasContinue Reading

Lake O’the Pines by Crazy Angler Tackle: Variable weather with intermittent fronts! Big Whites are now staging in bedding areas in the brush natural presentations will be best. Silver/black and blue/white Lil Rascals have been producing the best on cloudy days. Fish are still in feeder channels as they moveContinue Reading

Rotary Junior Student of the month for March, is Keiland Williams.  Keiland is the son of Carl and Kietta Williams Jr and the grandson of Angela Friday, Carl Williams Sr, Rositta Allen and Luther Don Jefferson.  Keiland states, “I love football. I’ve been playing since I was five years old.Continue Reading

9th Grade All A’s Cooper Bonner, Wyatt Conwell, Kayden Grigsby, Alexis Oney, Iy’zaviyon Scott, Dakennidi Williams 9th Grade A&B Te’nazia Alexander, Kimberly Ball, Bralyn Blackshear, Ashari Brannon, Olivia Carey, Demetrius Carr, Levi Cherry, Cullen Cryer, Krish Desai, Janaa Goynes, Zoey Greene, Kimone Hall, Kiera Jones, Skyler Lindley, Madalyn Loftis, JadeContinue Reading

Council resolves to oppose water deal V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute After almost 90 minutes of public comment, the Jefferson City Council unanimously approved a resolution opposing “any sale or transfer of water rights or additional allocation of water from Lake O’the Pines by NETMWD which would negatively impact localContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur ordered a Burn Ban to go into effect immediately as a result of the dry conditions and high winds across the County. “The Marion County Judge finds present circumstances in all or part of Marion County create a public hazard that would be exacerbated byContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur made an emergency Disaster Declaration late Wednesday afternoon as a result of the fires near FM2208 and FM 3001. “Whereas the County of Marion… has suffered widespread or severe damage, injury, or loss of life or property (or there is imminent threat of the same)Continue Reading

Due to the possibility of winter weather conditions this week, TxDOT crews are scheduled to place brine on major roadways and bridges across our nine-county district starting Monday, February 17. Crews will focus on treating interstates and U.S. highways across the district because they are the mostly highly traveled roadways.   TheContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

The City of Jefferson is performing sewer improvements along Polk Street from Bonham to Henderson, that is anticipated to last until May 6, 2025. Residents and Business Owners can expect one or more street/sidewalk closures to occur during the construction period throughout the project location.  Construction will halt during theContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

The Jefferson City Council’s Tuesday night special meeting, has nothing to do with the proposed water sale at Lake O’the Pines. A flyer distributed at last Saturdays “Town Hall” meeting organized by State representative Jay Dean, provided a list of the city council meeting dates for the seven member cities.Continue Reading