Mary McCoy was the third child born to the late Marvin V. and Ethel J. Jones McCoy.  Mary was a graduate of Central High School.  She attended Jarvis Christian College, Wiley College, Friends University and Douglas Memorial School of Nursing where she studied Business  and Nursing.  She is a memberContinue Reading

In a press release issued Monday afternoon, Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur said his wife had tested positive for COVID-19, and he would be working from home for the next 10 days. “In anticipation of this, I fully prepared early on in the pandemic to work from home and willContinue Reading


Every newspaper I’ve been associated with over the last 30 years or so has published this editorial on or around Christmas. This year is no exception. Austin and I want to wish all of our subscribers a very Merry Christmas, and hope you will continue with us throughout 2021. WeContinue Reading

From Texas DPS AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) announced today its annual Christmas and New Year’s holiday traffic enforcement campaigns will kick off on Wednesday, Dec. 23. DPS is reminding drivers to celebrate the holiday season responsibly by practicing safe driving habits and obeying all trafficContinue Reading

Eight intersections to receive improved lighting systems From TxDOT ATLANTA – Eight highway intersections in Northeast Texas will have new safety lighting systems added during the coming year, according to plans approved in December by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). “Nighttime lighting systems at the intersections that will have energyContinue Reading