The National Weather Service (NOAA) has issued a continued hazardous weather outlook for the next week, but storms are headed our way today. Radar images indicate a storm should roll into Marion County in the next couple of hours Sunday morning. The NOAA hazardous weather statement: This Hazardous Weather OutlookContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

Marion County Commissioners will fill a vacancy on the Cypress Valley Navigation District Board and renew the SAVNS (Statewide Automated Victims Notification System) agreement at Monday’s regular Commissioners Court Meeting. The meeting is at 9 a.m. in the District Courtroom in the Courthouse Annex. Other Items the Court will considerContinue Reading

According to a text and email messages received from Superintendent Rob Barnwell, classes at all JISD campuses are cancelled for a Thursday, August 27. “Jefferson ISD has canceled school and all school related activities for Thursday, August 27th due to forecasts of severe weather. High winds and torrential rains willContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur issued a Disaster Declaration Wednesday morning in advance of the arrival of Hurricane Laura’s arrival to the area. Judge LaFleur went live at 2 p.m. Wednesday to discuss the declaration and encourage residents to prepare and not take any unnecessary risks. “As with all hurricanesContinue Reading