From Edward Jones’ Joey Romano In light of the coronavirus pandemic, virtually all of us have considered health-related issues. But for people facing a serious, chronic illness, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes or cancer, health concerns are an everyday matter. If you’re fortunate, you may never be afflictedContinue Reading

Media Release for Free and Reduced-Price Meals Sample FormCommunity Eligibility Provision (CEP)-Year 2 and Successive Years The Jefferson ISD announced today it will continue its policy to operate the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 2020-2021 school year. Schools qualifyingContinue Reading

Marion County Commissioners Court will consider approving a Joint Election Contract between the County, City, and School during the first of two meetings this week. Commissioners will meet at 9 a.m. Monday to consider the contract, as well as filling a vacancy on the Cypress Valley Navigation District Board, andContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

The City of Jefferson will consider approving a contract with Marion County to hold joint elections on November 3 during their Special City Council Meeting Tuesday night. Following the meeting, there will be a budget workshop. The meeting will also have the availability of attending the meeting by Zoom. TheContinue Reading

Jefferson Independent School District Board of Directors will consider whether or not to require students to be on-campus to participate in extra-curricular activities at their August Board meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, August 11. UIL is allowing virtual instruction students to participate in extra-curricular activities, but has left the finalContinue Reading

Florentino “Tino” Perez was hired during Tuesday night’s Special City Council Meeting as the next Jefferson Chief of Police. “I am truly honored to be taking on my new role as the head of the administration,” Perez said in a Press Release. “I believe that the current concept of policingContinue Reading

JISD School Board approved the district’s participation in “Operation Connectivity,” a joint effort with TEA which will enable the district to purchase technology equipment and services to provide better remote instruction, during Tuesday night’s Special Board meeting. According to minutes provided by Superintendent Rob Barnwell, Jay Patrick, the District’s TechnologyContinue Reading

From JISD Release Many of you have selected face to face or online learning for your student who will be returning to Jefferson ISD this Fall via the June survey–Jefferson ISD 2020-21 Back to School Learning Mode Survey. We are requesting parents fill out this Jefferson ISD FINAL 2020-21 BackContinue Reading

JISD School Board will meet in special session at 6p.m. Monday at the High School Commons to discuss an agreement with Region 4 Educational Service Center for Technology Purchases through “Operation Connectivity” Program sponsored by TEA. The board will also consider a few budget amendments and campus reports. The HeraldContinue Reading