By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Marion County Commissioners passed a motion, on a discussion agenda item, to request a proposal from David Woods, of Woods Engineering Company, for options on required repairs to the elevator at the jail. “I think what were needing,” said Commissioner Joe Mcknight, “is aContinue Reading

From Edward Jones’ Joey Romano Like most people, you probably have many financial goals: a comfortable retirement, long vacations, college for your children or grandchildren, the ability to leave something behind for the next generation, and so on. To achieve these various goals, you may have to follow different investmentContinue Reading

Jefferson Police Department Logo

Press Release From Jefferson Police Department Despite the pandemic, Jefferson Police Departments has installed a prescription drug disposal box where residents can dispose of their leftover medication, no questions asked. “Jefferson PD is excited to provide this option for our local citizens to dispose of prescription drugs,” said Jefferson PDContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur provided an update Friday morning on the County’s COVID-19 case counts, indicating the number of active cases increased by 3. There were no new recoveries or fatalities reported. Marion County COVID-19 Case Counts as of 10:20 a.m. July 24: Total Cumulative Cases: 114 Active Cases:Continue Reading

Marion County Seal

The Marion County Commissioners Court will meet at 9 a.m. Monday in the District Courtroom, and the agenda includes a variety of Sheriff Department matters. Commissioners will consider the 2021 Sheriffs’ and Constables’ Fees, approving an Inmate Communications Addendum Agreement with NCIC Inmate Communications Inc., and discuss options on theContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

By V. Hugh Lewis, publisher Jefferson City Council voted to look within the department for their next Chief of Police and to make that selection at a special council meeting next Tuesday. “If Mr. Finstrom and Tyranni (Braddock, Alderman Ward 2) are both for promoting from within, I’ve been sickContinue Reading

Press Release from UIL on July 21 The University Interscholastic League (UIL) is presenting modifications to the 2020-2021 UIL calendar and updated COVID-19 risk mitigation guidelines, set to take effect August 1, 2020. The modifications to the 2020-2021 calendar differ by activity and conference and can be found on theContinue Reading