Statement from JISD Superintendent Rob Barnwell Sadly, it was reported yesterday that JISD lost one of its own this past weekend.  Katelyn Mutai, a beautiful Jefferson High School student, was tragically killed in an automobile accident early Sunday morning.  Katelyn was preparing for her senior year, where she was involvedContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur released a statement this morning indicating an increase of 18 active cases. The total accumulative cases are now at 58 with one fatality, 25 recoveries, and 32 active cases. LaFleur’s press release did not indicate where the 18 new cases are located, however social mediaContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

NOTICECITY OF JEFFERSON, TEXASJEFFERSON CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAUREGULAR BOARD MEETING JEFFERSON CONVENTION AND VISITORS CENTER305 E. AUSTIN STREETMonday July 13, 2020 @ 5:30 pm Notice is hereby given that a Board Meeting of the City of Jefferson, Tourism Board will be held on Monday July 13, 2020, at 5:30 pm,Continue Reading

City of Jefferson

The Jefferson Economic Development Corporation will have their regularly monthly meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday. Items on their agenda include: DISCUSSION / CONSIDERATION / ACTION ITEMS• Consideration/Action – Strategic plan contract and actions with Texas A&M University• Consideration/Action – Approve quarterly report to City Council• Consideration/Action – Election of OfficersContinue Reading

Tuesday’s JISD School Board 6 p.m. meeting will heavily focus on the fall campus openings as members discuss amending the calendar, COVID-19 protocols, guidelines on reopening, and salary implications. Per the agenda (below) the board will address: Swearing in of new ISD Police Chief Updates related to guidelines and recommendationsContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

The Marion County Commissioners Court will discuss a proposal from Data Preservation Solutions for Records Destruction during Monday’s regular meeting. Other items on the agenda include: Presentation of Distinguished Service Award to Marion County Historical Commission Set Date/Time for Budget Workshop The meeting is at 9 a.m. Monday in theContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

The Marion County Historical Commission is being recognized on Monday by the Texas Historical Commission for their work in 2019. The Distinguished Service Award affirms the County Commission appointees for managing well-rounded history and preservation-related programs that enrich Texas communities. The award will be presented during the Commissioners Court meetingContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur notified the public via a press release and a FaceBook post early first thing Wednesday morning about the addition of three new COVID-19 cases in Marion County. The county also was notified by DSHS that they had two additional recoveries, so the active case countContinue Reading

Publishers Note: Thirsty Minds is based in Longview and has offered a variety of camps, courses, after-school programs, gaming conventions, and video services to the area for the last several years. IMHO Joe Lee Mans works hard to provide opportunities for the youth in our area at little to noContinue Reading