Jefferson Lions Continue to Provide Lunch to Essential Workers
This week the Jefferson Lion’s Club provided lunch to the staff at the Jefferson Life Center. Lions Paul Moore and Peg Brown-Walker delivered lunches from Riverport Barbecue. This has been a weekly event for Lions. In the past they have provided lunch to the Sheriff’s Department, Jefferson Police Department, andContinue Reading
Claire D Lune Closing
Claire D Lune, the shop in the “pharmacy” building on Austin Street is closing. The business has been sold and the new owner will be reopening in the future. “Karen and Ellen are both sad and excited to be ending this chapter in our lives,” their FaceBook post read. “WeContinue Reading
Tech-Edge: Internet Connection – Is It Warp Speed, Or Slow Go?
By Hunter Bonner Originally published at: Absolute Technology Solutions, Inc. For many, working from home has become the “new normal”. Zoom Meetings, VPNs, remote PC services, all of these have become part of our office lingo, and our day to day tools for getting the job done. Working remotely does presentContinue Reading
Downtown Restaurants Make Adjustments, Reopen Today
Downtown restaurants resumed “dine-in” service this morning in Jefferson, after making adjustments to seating areas and ensuring staff are following Governor Abbott’s Open Texas document requirements. “Our ‘Coffee Club’ was waiting for us at 6 this morning,” said Taste of Caddo owner Becky Arnold. Taste of Caddo has limited theirContinue Reading
Governor Provides Guidelines for Opening Businesses Back Up
Below is Governor Gregg Abbott’s Open Texas Report which offers guidelines for businesses to reopen starting May 1, 2020. In summary, most retail, malls, and restaurants can open with certain restrictions – the biggest of which is they must limit their occupancy to 25% of normal occupancy. By way ofContinue Reading
‘Crazy Guy On A Bike’: Alden Ho Rides Coast to Coast as Fundraiser
By. V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Local Pastor and Jefferson Christian Academy leader Alden Ho has taken local fundraising to a whole new level. He’s riding his recumbent bicycle from San Diego, California, to Jacksonville, Florida. All to raise money for the Jefferson Christian Academy. Alden set a goal toContinue Reading
Garden of the Month: April
The garden at the home of Patricia and Jim Finstrom has been selected as April’s Garden of the Month. The Finstrom’s home is located on Line Street. Thank you, Patricia and Jim, for helping to keep Jefferson beautiful.Continue Reading
Aggie Engineers Create Step-by-Step Method of Making Protective Medical Masks
Emergency Room physicians asked Texas A&M’s John Criscione for help as supplies diminish COLLEGE STATION, Texas — With a touch of inspiration from MacGyver, Aggies have developed a way to make medical protective gear from readily available materials. A group of professors and graduate students from the College of EngineeringContinue Reading
Introduction to Ham Radio to be Held at Atlanta Library
From Jason Patterson There are nearly 3 million amateur radio operators in the world. These operators not only talk to each other but they also serve the community by relaying storm reports to the National Weather Service, and providing back up communication when there are no other resources available. TheContinue Reading
Golf Cart License Plates Available, Now Required
During the last Texas Legislative session, Congressmen made it a requirement that all off-highway vehicles and golf carts must display an off-highway license plate to be driven on roads. The new requirement went into effect September 1, 2019, but Texas DMV delayed the enforcement until a process could be workedContinue Reading
Garden of the Month for March
From the Jesse-Allen-Wise Garden Club Garden of the Month for March The daffodils are in full bloom at the home of Brenda and Gerald Lynn. The house is located on Camp street. A big thank you to the Lynns for adding to the beauty of Jefferson. Got Something to Share?Continue Reading
Tech-Edge: Upgrading Out of Windows 7
Technology information column. This links to external feed.Continue Reading
Mardi Gras 2020 Parade, Children’s Activities Winners
From The Krewe of Hebe Children Activities 2020 Owner Pet Look a Like and Pet Costume winners were: Lola and owner is Cheyenne Maxwell of Jefferson Ugly Dog winner was Paris and owner is Janice Pierce of Hot Springs, Arkansas Children’s Costume Contest Winners were: 1st place: Maybreigh Lindley, parentsContinue Reading
City Tourism Offers Opportunity to Local Businesses
From Tourism Board via Email NOTICE!Rick Rowe with KTBS in Shreveport will be here the first week of March televising each day during the morning news. A promotion Rick will be talking about is “Stay in one of Jefferson’s lodging establishments and receive coupons and gifts from Jefferson’s downtown merchants”.Continue Reading
Troop 555 Scouts Earn Life Rank
From Missy Baldwin Three Troop 555 members received their Life Scout ranks at last night’s Court of Honor. The new Life Scouts are Will Baldwin, Alex Gale, and Braydon Thomas. The rank of Life Scout is just below the rank of Eagle Scout.Continue Reading
Author Marjorie Herrera Lewis to speak at Library
Jefferson Carnegie Library is hosting author Marjorie Herrera Lewis on Monday, February 3 at 6:00 pm. Ms. Lewis will be speaking on her debut novel, “When The Men Were Gone,” inspired by Tylene Wilson, coach of the Brownwood, Texas, high school football team when the men of the town wereContinue Reading
Chamber Member Events in January
UPCOMING CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EVENTS: SATURDAY, JANUARY 25TH SECOND ANNUAL GOLDEN NAIL GALA Six o’clock pm, Enoch’s Stomp Winery and Vineyard, Brought to you by Gold Sponsor: SWEPCO, An AEP Company. WE APPRECIATE OUR MEMBERS! AN EVENING TO REMEMBER… Enoch’s Stomp catered dinner, and offering a cash wine bar. WeContinue Reading