Ernest Leonard Foust Jr, better known as Mr. Ernie, the beloved “BBQ Man” passed away at age 91, Tuesday September 20, 2022, peacefully at home, surrounded by loved ones. Ernie was born December 17, 1930, in Sweetwater, TX to Ernest Leonard Foust Sr and Eloise Allen Foust. Mr. Ernie lovedContinue Reading

Editor’s note: This story was first published in the The Courier of Montgomery County. Patrol member Shana House is a native of Jefferson.  The Conroe Police Department has launched its first mounted patrol unit, which will provide horse-back police patrols in both neighborhoods and residential and business areas, shopping centersContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

October is officially proclaimed Domestic Violence Awareness Month in Jefferson after Mayor Rob Baker made the annual proclamation. “…In recognition of the important work done by domestic violence programs, I do hereby proclaim the month of October 2022 to be Domestic Violence Awareness Month and urge all citizens to activelyContinue Reading

Ken Bridges/Contributing writer The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 has been studied at length by military minds and academics for decades.  The naval officer in charge of the Pacific Fleet in the months before the attack was a Texas native, Admiral James Otto Richardson.   As the UnitedContinue Reading

Rickey William Dollar, 64, of Jefferson, passed away September 28, 2022, at his home. On behalf of Rickey, the family would like to thank the city of Jefferson, the surrounding area, and all of his Jefferson friends, for the love and kindness you have shown him. He loved nature, especiallyContinue Reading

The third annual Becca Anderson Memorial Rodeo, held this past weekend, delivered on entertainment, kid participation and rodeo action. The pro rodeo is the major fundraiser for the Becca Anderson Memorial Scholarship Program. The event started with the riderless horse tribute honoring not only Becca but those connected with theContinue Reading

Music 1852 on Austin • Oct. 8: The Sultans All Bands start at 8 p.m. Auntie Skinner’s Burn Benefit Schedule. Knight Light Theater Oct 9: Jackson James 7-9p Meetings • JP Pct 1 Clerk’s office will be closed Oct. 6-10 • Tourism Board, 5:30p Oct 10 • Commissioners Court, 9a,Continue Reading

Pedestrian traffic deaths increase in Texas during fall and winter months          AUSTIN – It will be more challenging to see pedestrians as days get shorter during the fall and winter months. That’s why TxDOT’s “Be Safe. Drive Smart.” pedestrian safety campaign is kicking off National Pedestrian Safety Month today, remindingContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

The Jefferson City Council met in special session on Thursday to consider approving a settlement on the lawsuit with RG3. RG3 is the company which supplied the city with the “remote read” water meters several years ago. The City has reportedly had issues with them working properly and ultimately suedContinue Reading