Margaret Jackson celebrated 25 years of service with VeraBank this past week.Continue Reading
Sweet harvest…
Come check out Jefferson Academy’s newly remodeled Sweet Harvest store at 216 W Broadway in Jefferson. You’ll find fresh veggies grown at their local Jefferson Academy School gardens, local honey, canned and frozen veggie food, comfrey healing salves, and much more. New hours of operation: M-Th 1:30pm-6pm, Fri 9am-2pm.Continue Reading
SAIL: Summer Adventures in Learning
Francene DePrez Contributing writer This summer, pre-kindergarten through 5th grade students have had the unique opportunity of participating in “Summer Adventures in Learning”, an enrichment program that is presented free of charge and directed by Dr. G. Arcolia Jenkins. Older students can also serve as teaching assistants and mentors. Dr.Continue Reading
Project to support MCYS…
Jimplecute photographer Laura Allen is also an avid crocheter. She’s spent the summer making a bulldog themed blanket to auction off to benefit Marion County Youth Sports. It’s a 73 1/2in x 70in velvet super soft blanket. On August 1st she will be auctioning off the blanket on Facebook andContinue Reading
Jefferson Lions Serve…
The Jefferson Lions Club turned out in force last Friday and Saturday to help clean up Jefferson streets and yards following last Thursday’s storm. Skip Torrans uses his personal tractor and trailer to collect limbs for removal. The City has said limbs and debris can be placed on the edgeContinue Reading
Welcome to the World
Marion County’s newest resident arrived at 3:52 a.m. Wednesday weighing in at 7lbs 10oz and was 20.5 inches long. Corey Gene Holzer is the son of CJ Holzer and Crystal Gonzalez. CJ delivers papers each week for the Jimplecute and he and Crystal work at Auntie Skinner’s.Continue Reading
Council meets to hire public works employee
Staff Reports The Jefferson City Council held a brief meeting Monday evening to approve rehiring Jon King to the Public Works Department and to modify the building permit previously approved on July 5 for Bobby Carson and Susie May. King re-started his duties with the City on July 12 atContinue Reading
Our Town Jefferson
Upcoming Music 1852 on Austin • July 23: John Clifton (blues) • July 30: Flashback (50s/60s) • August 6: Sultans The Sultans will be tickets at the door. The others will be sold on EventBrite or at the bar. Auntie Skinner’s • July 16: Tambria Adams • July 23: 8 TrackContinue Reading
JPD welcomes new officer…
Jefferson Police Chief Florentino Perez stands on a step-ladder to welcome the city’s newest officer Carson McKnight. Officer McKnight is 6 foot, 7 inches tall. Continue Reading
Marion County Commissioners look at 2023 budget
Staff Reports Commissioners held their first Budget Workshop for the 2023 fiscal year this week following a brief regular meeting. During the regular meeting, Commissioners approved moving $5,112 from the Maintenance Capital outlay budget to the Extra Help and Benefits JP1 budget in order to being training a new assistantContinue Reading
Cartoon of the Week
Roger Mills was a trail blazer
Ken Bridges/Contributing writer Roger Mills was an early Texas lawyer and legislator. He fought in the Civil War and served for nearly three decades in Congress and the U. S. Senate from the 1870s through the 1890s. Though respected for his dedication and work ethic, his political stands damaged hisContinue Reading
In Texas, one size doesn’t fit all
Jay Dean/Contributing writer Back in 2019, Texas property taxpayers flooded the State Capitol desperately seeking relief from skyrocketing property appraisals and accompanying high property tax bills. Much of the emphasis was on the high rate of increase in appraisals in major cities like Houston, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Austin, San AntonioContinue Reading
Thomas “Tom” Donald Ramsey
Thomas (Tom) Donald Ramsay, the former State Representative from Mt. Vernon, TX (District 2), former member and Chairman of the Texas Ethics Commission, former MVISD School Board Member, former banker, Mt. Vernon real estate investor & broker, Mt. Vernon Tiger super-fan, loving husband, brother, father, cousin, uncle, and grandfather passedContinue Reading
15u Allstars take 2nd
Staff Reports The 15u Jefferson Allstars took second place at the Ranger State Series in Sulphur Springs over the weekend. The State Series began July 8 with pool games. After topping Cleveland 4-2 and falling 3-2 against Franklin County, Jefferson seeded seventh out of 11 to begin bracket play theContinue Reading
Tourney winners…
The Jefferson Bass Club July tournament on Lone Star Lake is in the books. There were 18 members, two guests and two youth that participated. Winners were 4th place James Chisom 8 lb., 10 oz.; 3rd place David Sorrells, 8 lb. 14 oz.; 2nd place David Cherry, 11 lb. 1Continue Reading
Prayers and Squares…
Members of the Prayers and Squares Quilting club at Mims Chapel United Methodist Church showed off some of their work on Monday. The group meets every Monday at the Church from 10a-2p. They are forming a beginner’s quilting class. For more information, contact Mary Dales at 903-431-2874. Meetings are openContinue Reading
Food bank open to the Mims VFD area…
Mims Chapel United Methodist Church operates the Drydock Food Pantry for residents in the Mims area from 9 a.m. – noon on the first Thursday of each month. Pictured. from left, Ron Keith, Pastor Richard Dowden, Benny Hawkins, Jim Taylor, Allen Dales, Linda Hawkins, Kay Green and Jackie Hall.Continue Reading
Dowden returns as pastor at Mims Chapel United Methodist Church
Mims Chapel United Methodist Church is seeing a familiar face in the pulpit these days as Richard Dowden returns after 10 years. Dowden first came to Mims UMC about 16 years ago, and saw the church grow to about 80 worshipers each Sunday. He left Mims about 10 years agoContinue Reading
City hires new officer
Staff Reports The Jefferson City Council approved hiring of Carson McKnight as a patrol officer, and a handful of building permits during Tuesday’s special meeting before launching into a workshop discussion on the City’s leave policies in the Employee Handbook. McKnight will be joining the Jefferson Police Department at aContinue Reading