Cartoon of the Week
Christian accountability
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Accountability is one of those words politicians love to throw around. Voters and politicians alike apply it to their opponents but rarely use it look in the mirror. Accountability means taking responsibility for one’s actions. Accountability requires weighing cause and effect. Did a certain word or actionContinue Reading
Howard was an influentiual Texas author
Ken Bridges/Contributing writer Writers are often asked where their story ideas originate. It is a question that writers sometimes have trouble answering. The final product only comes from imagination and a lot of work. One of many great Texas writers, Robert E. Howard, had a significant cultural impact in aContinue Reading
My spiritual energy
Leroy Richardson/Contributing writer A good battery on a car maintains its charge. Why is that so when simultaneously operating the radio, headlights, air conditioner, dashboard lights, USB ports, and the electric windows and seats? It’s the alternator. Once started, the alternator generates power to run the accessories on the vehicleContinue Reading
Work scheduled to begin on FM 728 next month
From TxDOT Work to replace an aging drainage pipe under Farm to Market Road 728 in Marion County is scheduled to get underway in April, weather permitting. The deteriorating pipe has led to steep drop-offs along FM 728 near the community of Berea. “R & G Construction, LLC will removeContinue Reading
Opening Day set, includes games, fun for all ages
Staff Reports “Take me out to the ballgame…” takes on special meaning at Saturday as the Jefferson Dixie Youth Baseball and Softball Association holds opening ceremonies at Kellyville park. The introduction of teams and players kicks it all off at 10 a.m. and is followed by the opening games atContinue Reading
Bulldog softball
The Jefferson High School softball team fell to Harleton 16-4 on March 22 and again, 15-5, against West Rusk on Friday. They lost 16-10 against Tuesday on the road. They are 2-11 on the year and look to bounce back tonight at home against Elysian Fields.The 2022 Jefferson Bulldog SoftballContinue Reading
Rounding the bases
The Jefferson High School baseball team lost 9-5 at home against Harleton on March 24, 13-3 against West Rusk on Friday and 13-3 Tuesday agsint Arp. They are 3-11 overall and look to bounce back tonight at home aginst Elysian Fields.Continue Reading
‘Let’s Ride for Lizzie’ rolls out on Saturday
The 2nd Annual Let’s Ride for Lizzie is Saturday at Pines Café. Lizzie is a 3 year old who has been diagnosed with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The event, sponsored by Pines Café, 5079 FM 729, is one of the many ways Pines Café owners Sandra and Wayne Stephenson giveContinue Reading
JISD Honor Rolls
3rd Nine WeeksReporting Period All ”A” Honor Roll 1st Grade Gunner Allen, Temperance Anderson, Marisol Aveja, Cash Benedict, Zoie Blady, Kinslee Byrd, Zacharias Campos-Sorrells, Bolden Carter, Kenzlie Collins, Aynslee Danvers, Kriya Desai, Alexis Durden, Caydence Galeazzi, Coraline Gonzalez, Kash Grigsby, Rorie Haskins, Caleb Henry, Astrid Hidlebaugh, McKenzi Holt, Jason Keasler,Continue Reading
Miata Madness
Downtown Jefferson streets were lined with Mazda Miata last weekend as Marion County welcomed the annual Miata Madness Event. Continue Reading
Lions lend a hand
Jefferson Lions assisted Lion Mary Spearmon and her family to salvage some of her belongings from last week’s tornado. The club has applied for and received a grant from the Texas Lions Foundation for disaster relief in Marion County. Some club members will assist with furniture restoration on Tuesday. TheContinue Reading
Game Warden Field Notes
The following items are compiled from recent Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) law enforcement reports. How do you Solve a Problem Like Maria? A landowner called Texas Game Wardens when a group of quail hunters requested assistance rescuing a dog that had fallen into an abandoned grain silo-turned well.Continue Reading
Fatalities on East Texas Roadways on the Rise
TxDOT officials appeal to drivers to slow down, pay attention ATLANTA – Fatalities due to vehicle crashes across the Atlanta District have been on a steady rise over the past few years, and officials with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) are sounding the alarm to drivers about this disturbing trend. “InContinue Reading
Jeffersonian Receives Media Honor
Press Release KTAL Vice President & General Manager Mark McKay was honored with the 2022 Broadcaster of the Year Award from the Louisiana Association of Broadcaster’s annual Prestige Awards banquet. “I stand here because of all of the reporters and anchors and salespeople and the sales management team and allContinue Reading
Weekly Roadwork Report – March 27 – April 2, 2022
Bowie County I-30 – From FM 989 to AR State Line, reconstructing and widening highway, daytime work in median. Motorists should watch for trucks and equipment pulling onto the interstate I-30 – At Exit 207/Spur 594 westbound, ramp rehabilitation. Exit ramp to be closed. I-30 westbound lanes in thisContinue Reading
Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission Approves Hunting Regulations Changes for 2022-23
AUSTIN – The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approved hunting regulations for the 2022-23 season at its public meeting held March 24 in Austin. Commissioners adopted the following modifications and clarifications to the 2022-23 Statewide Hunting Proclamation: Establish mandatory buck and antlerless white-tailed deer harvest reporting in Collin, Dallas, GraysonContinue Reading
Tornado damages homes, property
Staff Report Spring thunderstorms raked across Marion County last night soaking residents with heavy rain while the Western end of the county also suffered tornados. Widespread rainfall amounts of 1-3 inches have already fallen across portions of the region through 2:40 a.m. this morning according to the National Weather ServiceContinue Reading
Council questions mayor okaying $150k in repairs
Jennifer Perry Middleton/Jefferson Jimplecute The Jefferson City Council considered several city improvement and infrastructure items during their meeting Tuesday, and also questioned a sinkhole repair Mayor Rob Baker approved without bringing it before the Council. Alderman Richard Turner questioned the mayor’s approval of $149,985 to repair the sinkhole located inContinue Reading
Our Town Jefferson
Upcoming Meetings • Commissioners Court at 9 a.m. March 28 • Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting at 5:30p.m. March 31 • Jefferson City Council at 6:30 p.m. April 5. • MCDCSCO Meet the Candidate, 5:30 p.m. April 5 Upcoming Music Events Auntie Skinner’s: All bands 9 p.m – 1 a.m.Continue Reading