Above, the JISD Football Stadium isn’t the only thing getting renovated! Spring work has begun at the Jefferson Dixie Youth Baseball and Softball Association fields at Kellyville Park. Opening Day is April 2. All Dixie Youth facilities are maintained by donated funds and volunteer labor.Continue Reading

In a salute to the Oscar-winning music from the movies, Jefferson’s Opera House Theatre Players will present well-known percussionist and instructor, Anthony Robinson, in a concert of some of the greatest songs ever composed for films. The concert is fundraiser for the thespian group now in the 33rd season andContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

Marion County Commissioners will meet at 9 a.m Monday in the Courthouse Annex for their regular scheduled meeting with Earth Day 2022 being one of the discussions. Items on the agenda include: Consider for approval proclamation designating April 2022 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (S.A.A.M) authorizing County Judge to sign.Continue Reading

Spring thunderstorms raked across Marion County last night soaking residents with heavy rain while the Western end of the county also suffered tornados. Widespread rainfall amounts of 1-3 inches have already fallen across portions of the region through 2:40 a.m. this morning according to the National Weather Service out ofContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

Staff Reports After two executive sessions, the Jefferson City Council held a public hearing on a personnel matter between City Administrator Eric Kuykendall and Public Works Director Allen Whatley on Monday morning. Yet, they did not take any action on the matter. The two-and-a-half hour meeting opened with Whatley requestingContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. The first oil shock happened in 1973. Energy prices are set by “the market. The global energy market keeps failing us. We have known the market is failing us for 49 years.  We knowContinue Reading