Cartoon of the Week
Support public education
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Our Texas founding fathers knew we needed to guarantee public education if our State was to continue to be successful. They wrote: “A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the duty of theContinue Reading
Maxey legacy looms large in Northeast Texas
Ken Bridges/Contributing writer The Civil War era produced many interesting figures in Texas History. Among them was Samuel B. Maxey, a lawyer, Confederate general, and U. S. Senator. Samuel Bell Maxey was born in 1825 in southern Kentucky. His father, Rice Maxey, was an attorney. He attended school faithfully, and inContinue Reading
Resurrection should be remembered every week
Dan Eakin/Contributing writer In just a few weeks, on April 17, we will be celebrating Easter Sunday. Many Christians refer to this as “Resurrection Sunday” because it is a day in which we especially celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Over the years, ministers and othersContinue Reading
Ballpark renovations…
Above, the JISD Football Stadium isn’t the only thing getting renovated! Spring work has begun at the Jefferson Dixie Youth Baseball and Softball Association fields at Kellyville Park. Opening Day is April 2. All Dixie Youth facilities are maintained by donated funds and volunteer labor.Continue Reading
Students of the Month
Bulldog Band rated ‘excellent’
Sneaking around in the background, the Jefferson High School Band recently went to the UIL Region 4 Concert and Sightreading Contest today in Gilmer. The band had an awesome performance on stage and even more awesome performance in the sightreading room. They were awarded a 2 (excellent) on their stageContinue Reading
Chamber to host CASA ribnnon cutting
The Marion County Chamber of Commerce cordially invites the public to attend a ribbon cutting for Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). The event will be held at 11 a.m., Tuesday, April 5, 2022, at the Marion County Courthouse. “Please join us as we hear from our featured guest speakers inContinue Reading
OHTP to salute the movies this weekend
In a salute to the Oscar-winning music from the movies, Jefferson’s Opera House Theatre Players will present well-known percussionist and instructor, Anthony Robinson, in a concert of some of the greatest songs ever composed for films. The concert is fundraiser for the thespian group now in the 33rd season andContinue Reading
Commissioners to Meet Monday, Address Earth Day 2022
Marion County Commissioners will meet at 9 a.m Monday in the Courthouse Annex for their regular scheduled meeting with Earth Day 2022 being one of the discussions. Items on the agenda include: Consider for approval proclamation designating April 2022 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (S.A.A.M) authorizing County Judge to sign.Continue Reading
Storms Ravage Western Marion County, Disaster Declared
Spring thunderstorms raked across Marion County last night soaking residents with heavy rain while the Western end of the county also suffered tornados. Widespread rainfall amounts of 1-3 inches have already fallen across portions of the region through 2:40 a.m. this morning according to the National Weather Service out ofContinue Reading
Ad: Part-Time Housekeeper Wanted
Part-time housekeeper needed at Delta Street Inn. Must be available to work weekends. Starting pay $12.00 per hour. Please call 903-665-2929 for interview.Continue Reading
Weekly Roadwork Report – March 20 – March 26, 2022
Bowie County I-30 – From FM 989 to AR State Line, reconstructing and widening highway, daytime work in median. Motorists should watch for trucks and equipment pulling onto the interstate SH 8 – At Sulphur River, replacing bridges SH 98 – At Anderson Creek, bridge replacement. Traffic restricted toContinue Reading
Council airs impasse between Public Works Director and City Administrator
Staff Reports After two executive sessions, the Jefferson City Council held a public hearing on a personnel matter between City Administrator Eric Kuykendall and Public Works Director Allen Whatley on Monday morning. Yet, they did not take any action on the matter. The two-and-a-half hour meeting opened with Whatley requestingContinue Reading
New retreat seeks logo submissions
Staff Reports A new retreat opening in Jefferson is looking marketing help before they open their doors. Lacewing Creative Retreat will open in Jefferson this summer. Women crafting groups will soon have a new place to rejuvenate, laugh with the gals, be inspired, shop, and finally finish or start thatContinue Reading
Annual Flotilla planned
The 10th Annual Earth Day Paddling Flotilla is set for Saturday, April 23, at Shady Glade Resort in Karnack. Put in your canoe or kayak for a beautiful morning on one of three paddling trails that leave from Uncertain, Texas, on the shores of Caddo Lake. The area is knownContinue Reading
Tourism Board partners with Dallas based radio station
Staff Reports Now’s the chance to be on the radio as KBDT 1160 in Dallas is starting a six-week campaign featuring a “Historic Salute to Jefferson” program each week. Businesses in Jefferson are invited to participate in sponsoring the program, and will receive one 60-second promo on the air everyContinue Reading
Cartoon of the Week
Oil Markets
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. The first oil shock happened in 1973. Energy prices are set by “the market. The global energy market keeps failing us. We have known the market is failing us for 49 years. We knowContinue Reading
Winston was an early leader at UT
Ken Bridges/Contributing writer The University of Texas has been in operation for nearly 140 years. Since that time, tens of thousands of UT graduates have enjoyed careers in all fields that have shaped both the state and the world alike. In its early years, it struggled as it had difficultyContinue Reading