Upcoming Music Events 1852 on Austin: • March 12. Flashback 50’s & 60’s Rock and Roll Review.  Auntie Skinner’s:  All bands  9 p.m – 1 a.m. • March 12: The Syndicate • March 19: WTW & St. Patrick’s Day Bash • March 26: Rewind Upcoming Meetings • Tourism will meetContinue Reading

From the editor,  Based upon current inflation, gas prices have yet to spike as high as they did in 2008.  I remember that year well. We logged countless miles, at $4 per gallon, back and forth to the hospital in Dallas.  We had a sick preemie who came close toContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer In 1776, Adam Smith published a ground breaking book, The Wealth of Nations. Smith introduced the French phrase laissez-faire to the English speaking world.  The phrase best translates as “free market.” Smith criticized European monarchs for subsidizing domestic production and granting monopolies for foreign trade. He arguedContinue Reading

Leroy Richarson/Local Minister Is there any hope for humanity?  War, racism, theft, rape, murder, abuse, genocide, pollution.  What atrocities won’t humans execute?  Humans have the opportunity to change their stages from birth to death if they desire.  A way has been provided. “No man can know his true self, caught betweenContinue Reading

Jefferson High School powerlifter Bryce Clark has become the Regional Champion in his weight division.  Bryce also broke some records along the way including:  Squat 605 (Previous record of 520) Bench 365 (Previous record of 330) Total for the meet of 1505 Previous record of 1425 total) Records are madeContinue Reading

Marion County Chamber of Commerce presents its Wedding Expo from noon to 4 p.m. this Saturday, March 12, 2022, at the Jeffersonian Institute, 120 E. Austin St. Wonderful resources/vendors will be available for brides-to-be, and their families to plan and dream about their long-awaited day.  Florists, photographers, DJ’s, salon stylists,Continue Reading

A new tradition comes back to downtown Jefferson next weekend.  Texas Bigfoot Conference founder Craig Woolheater changed lanes last year and launched a brand new annual event in downtown Jefferson— the March Miata Madness. The Texas Miata Roundup has been hosted in alternating cites across Texas, but like many otherContinue Reading

Jefferson High School Spanish 3 class spent their last day at Jefferson Elementary this week. The class makes regular trips to JES to help elementary students learn to speak Spanish. The Spanish 3 class has been doing this the last several years to help show how they have mastered theContinue Reading

Mrs. Cox, at Jefferson Elementary School, was interrupted this week with some FANTASTIC news! These 2nd graders have shown amazing growth on this month’s Star Renaissance testing. All of 2nd grade is working hard to be ready for 3rd grade next year. They can’t wait to show you more inContinue Reading

From Texas Water Utilities:  Myth: A boil water notice means your water is contaminated Fact: A boil water notice is issued as a precaution anytime the water may have been contaminated. ●      Boil water notices are typically issued when an unexpected event has caused a potential for contamination of water in a public water systemContinue Reading