Gardening by David Wall

 David Wall Contributing Writer Most gardeners go hot and heavy from garden prep as early as January, starting to seed in February or early March through transplanting in spring, right on to takedown after the first fall frost. The thought of growing crops through the winter just doesn’t compute! But on theContinue Reading

Chef Hunter Lee This week I’ve seen a meme (little Facebook quote) going around and saw so many people sharing it, about how so many holiday traditions have slowly faded out and died as we have slowly buried the older family members that kept them alive.  I love the holidays (orContinue Reading

Local Music Corner Micah S. White/ Hear’s some local music. If you go out please be kind, safe and please don’t drink and drive. Please note that events are subject to change for different reasons. Thursday: 12/7 Friday: 12/8 Saturday: 12/9 Dining Specials 1852 on Austin  Sunday Brunch withContinue Reading

Staff Reports The Jefferson Junior High boys basketball teams have a good run going with splits against Tatum and Elysian Fields. Troup The 7th and 8th grade teams split their games against Troup last week with 7th grade A falling 34-12. Madden Allen led the team with 6 points, 3Continue Reading

Texas Parks and Wildlife

AUSTIN — With winter quickly approaching, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) encourages residents in the western, southwestern and northeastern portions of Texas to practice appropriate bear safety measures and report sightings. Black bears are native to Texas and part of the state’s natural heritage and ecosystem. Guided byContinue Reading

Jimplecute photo by V. Hugh Lewis II The Jefferson Christmas Season officially started last Saturday with the Chamber’s Annual Christmas Parade and Jefferson Lions “lighting” of the Enchanted Forest. Averie, Makenna, and Hayden Hanson threw the switch (first photo, top left).Continue Reading

Some City employees to receive incentive pay V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Jefferson Mayor Rob Baker opened last Tuesday’s regular City Council meeting by announcing he would not be seeking a third term as Mayor when filing opens in January. “At this point, I’m going to let y’all know I’mContinue Reading

V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Jefferson ISD is on the hunt for a new athletic director as Jefferson’s Antwain Jimmerson has submitted his resignation to the district ending 9-years leading the bulldogs. “I don’t know what the next chapter is,” Jimmerson said. “It was like full circle for me becauseContinue Reading

Meetings School Dates Music • Dec. 16 11a Kermitt Polling & Charles Gilbert at JeffersonAcademy SDA Church • Dec. 16 7p Marshall Symphony Strings Ensemble at Christ Episcopal Church Decorate Decorate those Businesses and Residences; then let us know by December 1st that you want to enter this contest byContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

V Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute County employees now have at least one holiday each month as Commissioners approved the 2024 Holiday Schedule. Lyndon B. Johnson Day was established in 1973 as an official State Holiday, but is an optional holiday. Commissioners chose to observe the holiday as an additional wayContinue Reading

V Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute The Port Jefferson History and Nature Center focused on the art of teaching Monday morning as artist and sculptor Kathie Cox was on hand to dedicate her creation, “The Teacher”. Cox was surrounded by both local and national dignitaries as the installation of three TexasContinue Reading

Elwood Watson Donald Trump is telling us he’s a threat to democracy. We just have to listen. Earlier this month on his Truth Social website,  Trump threatened to “expel” and “cast out” government workers who oppose his radical views, describing them as a “sick political class” that hates the country.Continue Reading

Phil Kerpen The biggest disappointment of the Kevin McCarthy speakership was on work requirements for welfare. The Limit, Save, Grow Act – the opening House volley in the debt ceiling fight – was strong on work requirements, but the final debt ceiling deal actually weakened them. Speaker Mike Johnson willContinue Reading

Courtesy Photo by Melonie Parrish Pace Celebrating Thanksgiving this year in Jefferson were 5 generations of descendants of Floyd Curtis Pace and Nobie Celestial Garrett who were married in the Marion County Courthouse 99 years ago, on 25th of October, 1924.   This couple had 7 children, three of whomContinue Reading

Hunter Lee/Chef Let’s get shakin’ So Thanksgiving has come to an end and we are headed into Christmas. Holidays in the south are that special season (not that we need a special time for great food or get togethers, but it never hurts) There’s so many things you can doContinue Reading

Tim Scallon/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Growing up on a farm provided many happy memories, but none as warm as those during the Christmas season. Shortly after Thanksgiving, we began asking Dad where we would get our tree this year. Cedars were plentiful on the farm and he kept an eye on thoseContinue Reading

Serving Size: 1/6 of recipe, Serves: 6 Ingredients Directions Arrange a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat to 450.   In a large mixing bowl combine the oil, salt and pepper. Toss the radishes in the oil to coat. Transfer the radishes to a baking sheet linedContinue Reading