City of Jefferson

City proposes budget V. Hugh Lewis II Jefferson Jimplecute The Jefferson City Council took a final stab at balancing the 2023-24 City Budget Tuesday night, making an additional $379,500 in cuts. The City is still proposing a deficit budget of $433,000 which they plan on drawing from savings if needed.Continue Reading

Staff Reports Three Jefferson High School students were recently recognized in the College Board National Recognition Programs. Michelle Brady, Miles Mullen, and I’tasia Rainge were all received the academic honor. “We’re thrilled to celebrate our students and recognize them for the great work they’ve been doing,” said JHS Principal JerryContinue Reading

Mr Reagan starts out his column with “Another week, another lame indictment.” I am no legal scholar. but I do understand how indictments work. A grandjury, made up of people like you and me, is presented the prosecution’sevidence. If the grand jury agrees there is enough evidence, indictmentsfollow. My first gripeContinue Reading

Michael Reagan/Contributing Writer As usual, there was too much cross-talk and chaos on stage. And there was way too much partisan cheering and hooting by the audience. But the first Republican presidential primary debate on Fox News was an entertaining spectacle. Instead of watching Tucker Carlson interview Donald Trump onContinue Reading

Tom Purcell/Contributing Writer Houses are getting smaller again — which is going to make many Americans happier. Americans faced with high mortgage rates and a shortage of affordable homes for sale are opting for new, smaller homes that do not have dining rooms, living rooms, spare bedrooms and even bathtubs,Continue Reading

• Memorial Services for Tommy Lee Matthews, 86, of Jefferson, Texas will be held on Saturday, September 9, 2023, at 11am in the Bethel Baptist Church in Jefferson, TX with Rev. Claude Crocker, and Rev. James Duncan officiating. Cremation arrangements were made under the direction of Haggard Funeral Home.Continue Reading

Mark Allen Caddo Lake: Well, we finally are starting to get a little touch of fall weather, and the bass are feeling it too.  The bass are active in the Big Cypress Bayou schooling areas that are close to intersections of the river. My bait of choice is still theContinue Reading

Jimplecute photos by Laura Allen Varsity Bulldogs dominated the New Boston Lions 41-0 in the season opener last Friday. The Dawgs will face Timpson at 7p tonight. See full game breakdown online at Games are not being broadcast on the radio this year, but are available to watch via:Continue Reading

Work on the dock at the Pine Harbor boat ramp is progressing as members of the community have come together to restore the dock and start revitalizing the neighborhood. While a board voted to dissolve the association in July, residents have come together to reverse that decision. A recap ofContinue Reading

Chef Hunter Lee/Contributing Writer Let’s get shakin!!! I will admit I’ve never been that big into Football and that might make me a bad Southerner BUT I do love LSU and I keep up with our teams here in the parish.  Football season in the south has and will alwaysContinue Reading

Gardening by David Wall

David Wall/ Contributing Writer As global warming continues to increase (yes, global warming is real), our summers are becoming unreal. Summers are drought times, with the only question being when in May or June are rains going to cease until sometime in September. Temperatures get into the hundreds and stayContinue Reading

The Jefferson Jimplecute and the Jefferson Historical Society and Museum have partnererd with and to have microfilm copies of the Jimplecute digitized and placed online. “This is a great thing for Marion County,” said Jimplecute publisher Hugh Lewis. The archives should be available later this year.Continue Reading