Food: The Passive-Aggressive Pineapple
Chef Hunter Lee Let’s get shakin!!! This time last year I was returning from a book promotional tour that included Asheville, North Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina and Savannah Georgia. It was an amazing adventure but over 2,400 miles round trip, it was a lot of driving and let me tellContinue Reading
Gardening: Diatomaceous Earth will eliminate many yard pests
David Wall/Contributing Writer An easy, safe, and effective ways to prevent garden pest outbreaks and prevent them from starting, is to use food grade diatomaceous earth (DE). It’s harmless to humans and safe for animals. The pest list that DE is effective on is long, while the time to controlContinue Reading
This and That: Natural remedies for natural issues
David Wall/Contributing Writer Zeolite comes from ancient volcanic eruptions. Later, materials (zeolite) leached out that can grab soil contaminants and odors, especially ammonia from synthetic fertilizers, which it grabs and slowly releases. If a Zeolite packet has been used for a while, put it out in direct sunlight for aContinue Reading
Fishing Report by Mark Allen
Caddo Lake: If looking to catch some bigger bass right now, it is a good time to be fishing thick lily pads. Try throwing the frog type baits over the tops of these pad fields. You want to also have a heavy weighted Texas Rigged Creature Bait ready to useContinue Reading
Award Winning
Congratulations to Ms. Bryson and the Dawgs Against Tobacco Club for receiving the youth group of the year award from Tx Say What! This award is presented every year to passionate leaders and advocates in their community for dedicating themselves to tobacco prevention and youth advocacy.Continue Reading
8u Champs
The past 2 years of 8u ball has been nothing short of AMAZING! To literally end 8U the way this team, this REC team did..its unbelievable- you had to be there to witness it! They played 2 pool games last weekend and lost them both 8-7 & 15-0 & wereContinue Reading
Blessings for Backpacks
Big Cypress Corvettes donated $2000. of the proceeds from the corvette weekend to the Blessings of Grace Backpack Program. The backpack program provides a discreet backpack of food to send with over 100 underprivileged kids each weekend with food they can easily prepare. Without this service these kids would notContinue Reading
Squirtin’ in the Pines
Jet boats took to Hurricane Creek last weekend in the annual Squirtin’ in the Pines Boat Races. Over 50 boats participated in the event which is used to raise scholarship money.Continue Reading
Dedication brings beer sales to Brushy Landing, South Shore
V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute It’s been almost 10 years in the making, but early Tuesday morning R&K Distributors made their first delivery of beer to Brushy Landing. Existing in a part of the county that remained “dry,” shop owner Jeff Ellis said he starting working on changing the statusContinue Reading
Elephant on Parade
Courtesy Photo by Hollis Shadden The Port Jefferson History and Nature Center has a new piece of art. Dick Collins, Shirley Reiman, and Morgan Hanson oversaw installation last week of the new baby elephant near the Howe Truss Trestle bridge.Continue Reading
Our Town: July 28, 2023
Meetings School Dates Save the Date Royal Wine Enoch’s Stomp is introducing their newest wine in the Jefferson series: Royal Amethyst, a very limited, unique, semi-sweet wine. According to a FB post, “This remarkable journey began purely by accident one night two years ago when K’ saw a purple hueContinue Reading
N Alley crossings, Central High being discussed
V Hugh Lewis II Jefferson Jimplecute The railroad crossings on N. Alley Street are about to get a lot easier to cross, according to Jefferson Mayor Rob Baker. “I’ve gotten a firm commitment from Union Pacific to come and asphalt over five of the crossing by the end of September,”Continue Reading
12th Annual Civil War Symposium August 5
Event to discuss Unexplored Tales of Trans-Mississippi Jefferson Historical Society Museum Since Jefferson played a key role in the Trans-Mississippi Department’s military/industrial complex, Jefferson is a natural location for hosting Civil War Symposiums that focus on the Trans-Mississippi Department. This year’s symposium will feature four speakers who are noted authors,Continue Reading
Letters to the Editor
Sad Situation It is a sad situation when a city violates Open Meeting Act……it is much worse when the city gets fined 50,000 dollars….do you think it is to much trouble to keep a certified agenda of meeting….also we have councilmen appointing themselves to boards…..I personally think we need toContinue Reading
From the Left: Why Acknowledge RFK Jr?
Carl Golden In the Democratic’s stepped up offensive against presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a faint whiff of panic is in the air, a stirring of concern that no good can come from one of the nation’s most storied political names lingering on the fringes of the party’s PresidentContinue Reading
From the Right: Distressed by Clothing?
Danny Tyree My family will soon take advantage of our state’s tax-free weekend for clothing and school supplies, but none of our hard-earned money will go for distressed clothing. Coincidentally, none of the money we spend at the food court will purchase pre-chewed burritos. Call us rebels. Silly me, IContinue Reading
Texas History Minute: Barbara Jordan Was a Texan For the Whole Nation
Ken Bridges/Contributing Writer Barbara Jordan was a woman of many firsts in her career. In her relatively short time in Congress and the Texas State Senate, she left an immeasurable impact and in a cynical and dark age in American politics, she became for many across the nation a voice ofContinue Reading
Mixing It Up
The Marion County Chamber of Commerce held their monthly mixer at The Hive on Tuesday. The event is open to everyone and helps promote local businesses.Continue Reading
Coaching, teaching has Hill excited
Henry Hill says he’s “excited an blessed to be switching gears to begin my 1st year teaching/coaching with Frisco Independent School District at Frisco Centennial High School!! I will be teaching Physical Education& Coaching the Running Backs.”Continue Reading
Food: Long Southern Summer Days
Chef Hunter Lee Let’s get shakin! Don’t get me wrong there are many things to enjoy about the south in the summer. Boating, lakes, beaches, pools. Obviously most involve water because let’s face it, it gets miserably HOT. In fact, we are having one of the worst summers we haveContinue Reading