Texas. History Minute: Texas City Explosion
It started out as a typical spring day for the busy port of Texas City in 1947. It was a growing city that was thriving with peacetime prosperity. As home to many oil refineries, chemical plants, and ports, Texas City had a lot to offer the world and had nearly tripled its population since the beginning of WorldContinue Reading
The Labor Day Relief
Hunter Mannies/Chef Let’s get shakin!!! As I see the kiddos headed back to school, my social media is flooded with first day back to school pictures; I reminisce. I don’t have children but most of my friends do. I remember back to when I was young when their parents wereContinue Reading
Walking Sticks in your garden
David Wall/ Contributing Writer WSs are a group of insects that are masters of camouflage. Resembling a small twig, they’re almost impossible to see in a forest unless you’re very observant, specifically looking for them, or they happen to be moving. If, however, you’re able to observe one you’re in forContinue Reading
WIC provides free support, resources for mothers
AUSTIN – August is National Breastfeeding Month, and Texas WIC is sharing resources to support moms and pregnant women to help meet their breastfeeding goals. “From the start of your pregnancy through your child’s fifth birthday, Texas WIC is here for you every step of the way,” said Texas WICContinue Reading
JISD athletes ready to play ball
Bulldog athletes took to their respective fields and courts this week in preparation for their fall seasons. Jefferson football teams held the annual “Soap and Towel” Intra-Squad Scrimmage last Saturday morning and will face off against the Waskom Wildcats tonight at 5p at home. Donations of liquid bath soap andContinue Reading
New Teachers joining JISD this Fall
Brittany Byrd Special Life Skills 1-4 First year teaching My name is Brittany Byrd. I’m a Jefferson alumni. I graduated in 2007. This will be my first year teaching. I’m excited to be working in the district and look forward to a great year. Ann Chandler 9-12 interpersonal Skills, TeacherContinue Reading
Police News: Tips to protect you from identity theft
Editors Note: This is the start of a monthly column from JPD Chief Florentino Perez. Florentino Perez/Jefferson Police Chief Monthly Crime Prevention Tips: Identity Theft Prevention This Month I will like to inform the public on Identity Theft and steps you can take to limit a criminal access to youContinue Reading
Goodies for the Teacher
Jefferson Elementary would like to thank the Marion County Farm Bureau Board Members and the Jefferson Insurance Agency for the goodie bags donated to our wonderful teachers and staff to welcome them back for the upcoming school year!! Courtesy PhotoContinue Reading
New Lions Club in Avinger
Staff Reports A new Lions Club comes to Avinger on August 14, when 25 charter members celebrate the charter night of the Avinger Area Lions Club at Corbetts Catfish and More restaurant at 6:30p.m. During the ceremonies, District Governor Brandon Greer will present members of the new club with theirContinue Reading
Capital Highlights: 08-11-2023
Child care centers closing across state An unprecedented number of child care centers are expected to close across the state as pandemic relief funding ends, the Texas Standard reported. A survey conducted by the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children of about 1,600 child care programs indicated 44%Continue Reading
Sunrise at W.F. Lockett Stadium
Jimplecute Photo by Laura Allen, Courtesy Photo by Wayne Grubbs Above, the sun rises over Jerry Bennett Field at W.F. Lockett Stadium Saturday morning as the Bulldogs prepared for their annual “Soap and Towel” Scrimmage. At right, Laura Allen peeks out around the goalpost to snap a few pics ofContinue Reading
Waiting on the Bus
Butch and Barbara Haggard (Davidson) wait on the school bus, at left, for their 25-mile ride to school in this archive photo Barbara posted. Remember that School Buses will be back on the roads Monday morning as JISD classes resume.Continue Reading
Garden of the Month: August
Courtesy Photo by Hollis Shadden The garden of Susan Wise on Houston Street has been chosen Garden of the Month by the Jessie Allen Wise Garden Club. Flowers on display are marigold, periwinkle, coleus, roses, begonia, and fringe plant. Continue Reading
FM 276 temporarily closing August 8, 15
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Lake O’ the Pines will be temporarily closing TX Highway FM 726 where it crosses the Lake O’ the Pines Dam to repair the road with two layers of chip seal. The closure for the first layer is scheduled to be Tuesday AugustContinue Reading
Weekly Roadwork Report – August 6 – August 12, 2023
Bowie County Camp County Cass County Harrison County Marion County Morris County Panola County Titus County Upshur County Continue Reading
Capital Highlights – Aug 4, 2023
Gary Borders/TPA Wildfire chances increasing across state The risk for wildfires across the state has risen along with the hot and dry conditions, according to the Texas A&M Forest Service. “With the recent uptick in wildfire activity, Texas A&M Forest Service has mobilized additional personnel and equipment to assist withContinue Reading
Cleaning Out All Storages
Friday-Sunday @Pines Cafe 5079 FM 729 Antiquees, Clothes, Furniture, electronics, Dishes, Small Appliances, Tractors, implements, Lawn Trailer Lots of Stuff!!! Too Much to List! Starts Friday at NOON Closes Sunday at 6pContinue Reading
PHOA dissolves, schedules sale
V. Hugh Lewis/Jefferson Jimplecute The Pine Harbor Owners’ Association held their annual meeting last Saturday and the members present voted to dissolve the association. According to FaceBook posts in the Pine Harbor at Lake O’ The Pines group, the meeting was posted at the entrance to the subdivision “at leastContinue Reading
Eat, Drink, Dine: Area Dining & Entertainment, August 3-7, 2023
Local Music Corner Micah S. White Facebook.com/pyromade1 Hear’s some local music if you feel like lacing up your dancing shoes and hitting the dance floor. If you do go out please be kind, safe and please don’t drink and drive. Please note that events are subject to change for differentContinue Reading
Our Town: August 4, 2023
Meetings School Dates Save the Date WIC The Jefferson WIC office will be closed Thursday and Friday, Aug 3-4. They will reopen at 8:30a Monday. Bass Tourney The Lake-O-the Pines night tournament will be out of Alley Creek from 7p-7a with a 2a weigh-in. August 4-5-6-7. Friday tournament chairman GaryContinue Reading