History Today Texas

5/26/1837: Travis estate advertises for return of escaped slave On this day in 1837, the executor of William Barret Travis’s estate placed a notice offering fifty dollars for the return of an escaped slave named Joe in the Telegraph and Texas Register. Joe, born about 1813, was one of the few survivorsContinue Reading

Jefferson’s Class of 2023 will take their final walk at 8p.m. Friday  night at W.F. Lockett Stadium. The last two weeks have been filled with activities for seniors as they complete their high school career.  The Jimplecute will live stream the ceremonies on FaceBook and YouTube. The Superlative Graduates, orContinue Reading

V. Hugh Lewis II Jefferson Jimplecute It was a visit to the Jefferson Carnegie Library back in 2016, and being recognized and encouraged during a return trip, that inspired author Ray DePew to give back to Jefferson through the donation of a statute now located on the  front lawn ofContinue Reading

Meetings • Commissioners Court, 9a, May 30 • P&Z, 5p, June 6 • Quiet Zone, 6:30p, June 6 Save the Date • June 1-3: Big Cypress Corvette Weekend • June 10: Community Health & Law Enforcement Resources 10a-7p Jefferson Community Center • June 13: WOJO, Noon, Bulldog Pizza • JulyContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer For the first hundred years of American history, there was one cause of public debt: war.  The United States of America started in debt, and it paid its bills.  There wasn’t another spike in debt to Gross Domestic Product ratio until the American Civil War. At thisContinue Reading

Services for Nita Stoutjesdyk will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Friday, May 19, 2023 at Hilliard Funeral Home with Pastor Jim Canty officiating with visitation starting at 1:00 p.m. She will be laid to rest at Garden Valley Cemetery.  Nita Lee Frances Roberts Stoutjesdyk was born September 11, 1930Continue Reading

Michael Murphy Retired minister  The Bible provides guidance on how to treat foreigners or aliens, emphasizing the importance of kindness, hospitality, and justice.  Here are a few passages that address this topic:  1) Leviticus 19:34 (New International Version): “The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. LoveContinue Reading

Stacy Mills/Contributing Writer Beginning June 7th and running every Wednesday morning through July 26th, the Jefferson Carnegie Library will host children ages K-5th grades for the Summer Reading Program.  This year the theme is “Caddo Critters”. Animals, fish, and birds living in or around Caddo Lake and The Big CypressContinue Reading

History Today Texas

5/25/1896: First meeting of Texas Division of United Daughters of the Confederacy On this day in 1896, the Texas Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy met for the first time in Victoria. The United Daughters of the Confederacy was established in 1894 by the merger of state groupsContinue Reading

History Today Texas

5/24/1829: Future Alamo defender and survivor elope On this day in 1829, Almeron Dickinson (also spelled Dickerson) eloped with Susanna Wilkerson. Dickinson, a native of Pennsylvania, was born around 1800 and later moved to the area of Bolivar, Tennessee, where he met Wilkerson, who was born in that state inContinue Reading

History Today Texas

5/23/1984: Landmark public education suit filed On this day in 1984, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) filed a landmark suit against Texas education commissioner William Kirby in Travis County. In Edgewood ISD v. Kirby, filed on behalf of the Edgewood Independent School District, MALDEF charged that the state’sContinue Reading

ATLANTA – About 160 miles of Northeast Texas highways will receive new surfaces starting this month, according to plans awarded last fall by the Texas Department of Transportation. Contractor Missouri Petroleum Products Company of Bullard, TX was awarded the contract to seal coat highways in all nine counties within the Atlanta District withContinue Reading

History Today Texas

5/22/1971: LBJ Library dedicated in Austin On this day in 1971, the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum was dedicated on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin. It was the nation’s fifth presidential library and the first to be located on a university campus. It serves asContinue Reading