On the job training
Officers of the department received some quality firearms training provided by Black Cypress Training Group this past Saturday. Training is necessary to provide the best service to our community. Everyday is a training day at the Jefferson Police Department. For additional information on training and what Black Cypress Training GroupContinue Reading
Local students named to Dean’s, President’s lists
• The University of Texas at Tyler announced Ajah McCoy, and Caden Whatley, both in the College of Arts and Sciences, were named to the spring 2023 Dean’s List. To qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must have completed 12 or more semester hours of undergraduate college-level credit inContinue Reading
Gravesite Flags to Honor Veterans
Individuals and groups are invited to help place American flags at Marion County veterans’ gravesites on Saturday, May 27, prior to Memorial Day. Flags will be left in place through Flag Day on June 10, and then collected and stored. Flags and organization are provided through collaborative efforts of theContinue Reading
Capital Highlights – 5.19.23
Fort Hood renamed after Korean,Vietnam war hero It’s official. Fort Hood, named for a high-ranking Confederate officer in the Civil War, has been renamed Fort Cavazos, in honor of native Texan Richard E. Cavazos, the country’s first Hispanic four-star general. Fort Cavazos is the Army’s largest armored, active-duty military installation,Continue Reading
NHS Induction at Jefferson ISD
Jefferson High School inducted 26 new members to the national Honor Society last week. Those inducted include: Makayla Barr, Keyasia Black, Adrianna Blanton, Carly Bolick, Carson Bolick, Michelle Brady, Akilah Brasher, Payton Burkett, Judsen Carter, Bryce Clark, Luke Elder, Braylen Fortson, Luis Gomez, Taurria Hood, Kylee McGregor, Miles Mullen, AlejandrinaContinue Reading
40 years of Yesteryear…
What started off as a dream between Pat Smith and her mother turned into 40 years of blessings and business. Yesteryear Gift Shop & Classy Glitz Boutique celebrated their 40th year in business at the beginning of May. The shop is located at the corner of Polk and Austin Streets.Continue Reading
Garden of the Month
The Jessie Allen Wise Garden Club has chosen the yard of Janet and Tracy Graham, left, as Garden of the Month for June. It is located on Walnut Street. DRIFT roses are the feature and will bloom most of the summer.Continue Reading
Lone Star Ag Credit, Ag New Mexico Farm Credit Announce Unanimous Passed Resolution to Merge
Fort Worth, Tex. (May 16, 2023) Lone Star Ag Credit and Ag New Mexico are pleased to announce both Boards unanimously passed a Resolution on May 11, 2023, approving the terms and conditions of a proposed merger of the two Associations. “This is a strategic merger for both associations,” shares LoneContinue Reading
Singer-songwriter Darrell Scott Performs in Winnsboro
WINNSBORO, Tx — Multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter Darrell Scott performs at 7:30 p.m. May 20 on The Bowery Stage in downtown Winnsboro. Scott’s music is centered in the beauty of everyday moments that help make sense of the world. He comes from a musical family with a father, Wayne Scott, who hadContinue Reading
Jefferson named one of best cities to ‘Chill out’ in
Jefferson was recently among a list of cities in Texas to “Chill Out” in by WorldAtlas.com Read the full list here: https://www.worldatlas.com/cities/the-best-small-towns-in-texas-to-chill-out.htmlContinue Reading
Verizon upgrades Shreveport network in preparation for major 5G expansion
Recent upgrades lead to Verizon customers having the best network experience in Shreveport according to latest third-party testing results Shreveport, LA – Verizon has recently made major upgrades to the network serving customers in Shreveport, LA. These upgrades are part of a multi-year redesign of its network architecture to stay aheadContinue Reading
Remember Mom and ‘Mom’
V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute It is Mother’s Day. And one that hasn’t felt the same in over a decade and it never will again. One’s mother is someone special – unique even – and once their gone, it’s never the same. Mother’s are both a blessing and a specialContinue Reading
Weekly Roadwork Report – May 14 – May 20, 2023
Bowie County Camp County Cass County Harrison County Morris County Panola County Titus County Upshur County Continue Reading
Jefferson City Council to welcome new faces
V Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Marion County’s May 6 General Election saw only 9% of voters turned out to choose the next JISD School Board and City Alderman positions. A total of 571 ballots were cast. Leah Cooper, who ran unopposed for JISD Board Trustee Place 4, received 458 votes.Continue Reading
JEDCO talks housing
V Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Affordable housing in Jefferson received a high priority request by JEDCO VP/Secretary Raymond Sanders during Tuesday’s regular meeting. “When we had the superintendent here, his main concern was the fact that they had no housing for teachers and for students,” said Sanders. “I want toContinue Reading
Windows Into History
Bob Thomas, far right, speaks during a reception Tuesday evening to celebrate the completion of the first two “Windows Into History” art installations. The pieces are steamboat artwork etched into glass and located at the Port Jefferson waterfront park in downtown. The concept is one can look through the windowsContinue Reading
Blessing the community one canned good at a time
Blake Smith /Jefferson Jimplecute Despite the fact that there is more than enough food produced to feed the world, over 800 million people still go hungry each day. Although world hunger is a known cause, many people are unaware of how close the issue can hit home. Food pantries like BlessingsContinue Reading
Our Town Jefferson 5.12.23
Meetings • Commissioners Court, May 12, 9a • City Council, May 16, 5:30p, Visitors Center • Marion County Resources Coalition, May 22, 11a, St Paul UMC Save the Date • May 19: Civil War “Living History” 9a-2:30p Diamond Don RV park • May 20: Longview Yacht Club: 11a-3p Grand OpeningContinue Reading
Marion County GOP Chair Stebbins should follow suit
This week the Texas Legislature did something they haven’t done since 1927 – expel a member of the House of Representatives and they did it unanimously. Former Royce City Representative Bryan Slaton was ejected from the House on Tuesday following his resignation on Monday. He was expelled after an investigationContinue Reading
Expensive Propaganda
Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Fox News just agreed to pay $787.5 million for lying about Dominion voting machines. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton offered to use $3.3 million of tax dollars to settle a whistleblower case. Donald Trump paid nearly $300,000 to cover up his extramarital affairs. It must be niceContinue Reading