Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute  In a motion revisited from last month, the Jefferson ISD Board of Trustees, Tuesday night, approved the 2023-2024 school calendar.  The calendar was first presented last month but tabled when superintendent Mike Walker realized the Easter break was slated for the wrong weekend.  “We double checked everythingContinue Reading

History Today Texas

1836: Convention of 1836 breaks up in a hu On this day in 1836, the Convention of 1836 adjourned in haste as the Mexican army approached Washington-on-the-Brazos. The convention, which met on March 1, drafted the Texas Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the Republic of Texas, organized theContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Those still dealing with lawn debris left over from the March 2 F1 tornado that hit the Kellyville and Berea areas can get some relief following Commissioners decision to open the county  dumps for free to allow those affected to discard the debris.  All dumpContinue Reading

Meetings • City Council, March 21, 5:30p Save the Date • March 17-18: Knightlight Tavern’s Medieval Wine Fair • March 18: Jefferson Lion’s Lucky 5K & Fun Run • March 30-April 1: Citywide Rummage Sale • April 1: Miata Madness • April 1: MCDCSCO 20th Anniversary • First Saturday ofContinue Reading

AUSTIN- As the Texas spring turkey season rapidly approaches, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) reminds hunters that all counties with a one-bird bag limit have mandatory harvest reporting requirements. Hunters must report their harvest within 24 hours through the My Texas Hunt Harvest app or the TPWD website.  Counties with a one-bird limitContinue Reading

Memorial Services for Jane McPhail McBride, 92, of Harleton, Texas will be held at 2PM on Saturday March 18, 2023, in the Cpt. Wm Perry Chapel of Haggard Funeral home with Bro. Richard Ridgeway officiating and under the direction of Haggard Funeral Home. Mary Jane McPhail McBride died February 28,Continue Reading

Staff Reports Jefferson’s Planning & Zoning Commission held the first of three planned town hall meetings Monday night in Ward 2, but few residents attended. Notice of the meeting only started going out last Friday and may have contributed to the poor showing.  P&Z has two more town halls scheduledContinue Reading