Area Dining & Entertainment: 3/10-3/15
Local Music Corner By Micah S. White, Hear’s some local music if you feel like lacing up your dancing shoes and hitting the dance floor. If you do go out please be kind, safe and please don’t drink and drive. Please note that events are subject to change for differentContinue Reading
Food: New Year, new me… On the Southern timeline
By Chef Hunter Lee Let’s get shakin’ New year new me, right? I honestly make fun of this year after year. But like a lot of you I “try” to hop on the bandwagon and like a lot of you that’s exactly what it is, “try” usually not very hard.Continue Reading
Review: “In the Heights” Disrespected its Origin
Hayden HewittSpecial to the Jimplecute “In the Heights,” is a 2021 movie musical based on the 2005 Broadway musical of the same name. While the story is almost the same in the new adaptation, it seems as if it is missing a lot of what makes the original so great.Continue Reading
Winter Guard Going Places
The JJHS Winterguard Cadets placed 3rd at NTCA Juan Seguin this week. This is the first year JISD has had a Junior High group. They placed in the top three in three competitions in a row. They have also jumped 11 points in scores since their first competition.They will competeContinue Reading
In No Hurry…
Woogie the Sloth’s made his debut last week, so Zelina Wright and family headed out to Busy B Ranch Wildlife Park to meet him in his sanctuary and experience their drive-thru safari! Facebook Photo from Zelina WrightContinue Reading
Just Cruisin’
Jefferson Cruise Night kicked off last Friday with 40 classic automobiles and they raised $147 for the Backpack Program. The event, sponsored by Big Cypress Corvette Club, is held the first Saturday of every month. Jimplecute photo by Hugh LewisContinue Reading
They ‘Broke A Leg’…
Courtesy Photos Jefferson’s One Act Play earned 5th in District UIL competition on March 2. Four individuals earned earned medals in different categories. Emma Pierce-All Star Cast, Aiden Cooner-Honorable Mention All Star Cast, Nick Anderson-Honorable Mention All Star Cast, and Savannah Beggs-Honor Tech Crew. Continue Reading
Bee Careful
Jefferson “Bee Man” S.S. Brantley dropped by the Jimplecute offices to remind residents that honeybees are starting to move around a little earlier due to the warm weather. Brantley said to be sure and watch water meters, telephone, and cable tv connection boxes in your yards for bee activity. HeContinue Reading
Boys Powerlifting team competes today
Your Jefferson Bulldogs Boys Powerlifting Team will be competing today in Arp at the Region 3 Division 3 Championship today. Lifting starts at 1:30 pm in the gym at Arp High School. Please come out and show your support for these young men trying to make it to the TexasContinue Reading
Teacher Appreciation Night
JHS Girls Softball will have a night of Teacher Appreciation tomorrow during the game.Continue Reading
One Act Play places 5th in District
Jefferson’s One Act Play earned 5th in District UIL competition on 03/02/23. Four individuals earned earned medals in different categories. Emma Pierce-All Star Cast, Aiden Cooner- Honorable Mention All Star Cast, Nick Anderson- Honorable Mention All Star Cast, and Savannah Beggs- Honor Tech Crew. I am incredibly proud of theContinue Reading
Sharing and posting
We both love and hate the proliferation of events and activities on FaceBook. It’s great as it allows information to be shared quickly and lots of people see it – if they’ve been interacting with your page. We follow lots of people, groups, and organizations and capture a lot ofContinue Reading
Weekly Roadwork Report – March 5 – March 11, 2023
Bowie County Camp County Cass County Harrison County Panola County Titus County Upshur County Continue Reading
Lady Dawgs first to compete, place in Regional Powerlifting
Congratulations to Tawny Foster, Payton Burkett, Adrianna Blanton, and Zoe Hitchcock on making history. These 4 young ladies are the first girls in Jefferson girl’s history to participate in the Region 3 Division 3 Regional Championships. They did and amazing job representing Jefferson. Adrianna Blanton came in 5th earning theContinue Reading
Jefferson Jimplecute partners with Tarleton State journalism students
Staff Report The Jefferson Jimplecute welcomed two new writers last week in a partnership with Tarleton State University. For the next three months, the newspaper will feature stories written by college journalists. “We are excited to partner with Tarleton,” publisher Hugh Lewis said. “And we look forward to working withContinue Reading
Marion County elevators to get an upgrade
V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Elevators in the Courthouse Annex and Jail are going up – along with the costs of modernization – as Commissioners approved the single bid from Camco in Texarkana of $238,143. Both elevators have had numerous problems over the last several years requiring high maintenance costsContinue Reading
Bulldog ballers end run
The Jefferson Bulldog basketball team ended their playoff stretch Tuesday with a heartbreaking 42-41 loss to Hooks. The Dawgs ended the year 24-7 overall and 10-2 in district play, just one win short of the Regional Tournament. Jimplecute photos by Laura AllenContinue Reading
Our Town Jefferson
Meetings • Planning & Zoning, March 7, 5p • Marion County Republican Assembly, March 7, 6:30p, Mims • Special City Council, March 7, 6:30p, tentative • Strategic Plan Virtual meeting March 9, 6p • Commissioners Court, March 13, 9a • Tourism Board, March 13, 5:30p • JEDCO, March 14, 5:30pContinue Reading
The Original Maverick
Ken Bridges/Contributing writer Samuel Augustus Maverick came to Texas with a dream of making a fortune in land sales. In the process, he became one of the most memorable characters in the history of the state and an important figure in its early history. In the process, he became the originalContinue Reading
Thanks for supporting the DAR
To the editor, As a member of our local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the Jimplechute’s thoughtful and generous coverage our recent American History Essay Contest. With the help of the JISD administration and teachers, the contest challengedContinue Reading