Per Coach Allen – Girls Athletic Director Both the Varsity and Junior Varsity Lady Dawgs finish the regular season STRONG with big wins against Arp!! Varsity Lady Dawgs 39Arp 37 JV Lady Dawgs 29Arp 26 Next Game for the Varsity Lady Dawgs will be in the STATE PLAYOFFS. The opponent,Continue Reading

Per Coach Allen – Girls Athletic Director As you have probably heard and seen by now, YOUR JEFFERSON LADY DAWGS ARE STATE PLAYOFF BOUND AGAIN!!! For everyone interested in getting a 2023 Lady Dawg State Playoff T-shirt, please call Kristy Matlock at Texas Tees for different styles and pricing.The phoneContinue Reading

History Today Texas

1896: Coastal brewery serves up a cold one On this day in 1896, the Galveston Brewing Company began operations. St. Louis brewers Adolphus Busch and William J. Lemp were major stockholders. By this time Texas boasted more than fifty years of brewing history that began with small home operations andContinue Reading

History Today Texas

1874: Ursuline Academy founded in Dallas On this date in 1874, the Ursuline Sisters started their academy in Dallas. The Ursulines, founded in Italy in 1535, came to Quebec in 1639, New Orleans in 1727, Galveston in 1847, and San Antonio in 1851. Their academies welcome girls of all denominationsContinue Reading

Meetings VFW to hold fish fry The Jefferson chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars will host their monthly First Saturday Fish Fry this weekend.  Set for 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, lunch will include fried fish, fries, coleslaw, beans and a drink— all for a $10Continue Reading

Newspaper went too far… Dear Sirs, I am new to the Jefferson area.  As soon as I moved to town, I subscribed to your newspaper because I wanted to know what was going on in my new community.  I was disturbed about an article in your most recent issue.  TheContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer The authors of the Texas Constitution supported public education.  They wrote: “A general diffusion of knowledge being essential to the preservation of the liberties and rights of the people, it shall be the duty of the Legislature of the State to establish and make suitable provision forContinue Reading

Ken Bridges/Contributing writer Houston had long been an important city for Texas.  Businessmen like Jesse H. Jones helped make it an international center for commerce.  He had arrived in Texas as a young man and worked his way through the ranks of his uncle’s Dallas-based lumber company before coming to Houston where he would soon invest in all sortsContinue Reading

Mary Eleanor Belcher Albright Cremation Services for Mary Eleanor Belcher Albright, 82, of Karnack, Texas, are under the direction of Haggard Funeral Home.  Mary was born on Aug. 11, 1940, in Jefferson, to Woodard Belcher and Althia Mae Harp Belcher and passed away on Feb. 1, 2023, in Longview. MichaelContinue Reading

Marcia Thomas Contributing Writer Jefferson’s community theatre has come up with a super idea for their annual fundraiser that falls on Super Bowl Sunday, February 12.  It’s “Souper Bowl Chocolate Sunday”, a day when all the good cooks with creative imagination and will come forth with their best chocolate creation toContinue Reading

Lawmakers push $15K teacher raises A group of House Democrats is proposing a $15,000 raise for the state’s teachers and a 25% raise for other state employees by using some of the state’s record budget surplus. State Rep. James Talarico, D-Austin, announced the bill last week and was joined byContinue Reading

West Mountain VFD donates fire engines to Gray VFD MARION COUNTY, Texas — West Mountain Volunteer Fire Department (Upshur County) donated two Type II fire engines to Gray Volunteer Fire Department (Marion County) in a direct donation through the Texas A&M Forest Service’s Helping Hands program. Winter Storm Uri inContinue Reading