Marion County Jail Arrest Report
Jan 25-Feb. 1, 2023 • White male, 35, arrest Jan 28, Charges: 22.07(C)(1) Terroristic Threat of Family/Household, 28.03(B)(2) Criminal Mischief, $1,500 bond, In Custody • White female, 41, arrest Jan. 26, Charges: 25.06 Harboring Runaway Child, $3,000 bond, Released • White male, 41, arrest Jan. 31, Charges: 22.01(A)(1) Assault CausesContinue Reading
Carnegie Library selects new president
The Jefferson Carnegie Library board selected Stacy Mills to be the new president of the library. She thanked outgoing president Tony Jones for his loyal and dedicated service over the last two years. Victor Perot will serve as the new vice-president with Tony Jones becoming the new secretary. Cathey BrannonContinue Reading
Vote for wet/dry initiative on ballot
Hugh Lewis/Jefferson Jimplecute Water, water, everywhere, and maybe the right to drink. A Local Option Election to legalize “the legal sale of all alcoholic beverages including mixed beverages” in Justice of the Peace Precinct No. 1 will be on the ballot in May as Commissioners accepted and approved calling theContinue Reading
Today in Texas History: February 1
1933: United States and Mexico sign Rio Grande Rectification Treaty On this day in 1933, the United States and Mexico signed the Rio Grande Rectification Treaty, which called for construction of a 590-foot-wide floodway and 66-foot-wide normal flow channel along a stretch of the river from Cordova Island to belowContinue Reading
City Offices Closed, County Opens at 9a
According to Jefferson Mayor Rob Baker, the City of Jefferson offices will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1. Baker said according to the current handbook, the offices may be closed due to emergencies. He also said the city has traditionally followed the lead of the school district in making closureContinue Reading
Jefferson, Karnack ISDs closed February 1
According to Facebook posts from Jefferson and Karnack ISDa: Karnack ISD will be closed the entire day- Wednesday, February 1st due to flooding on the majority of our routes, as well as the possibility of morning ice. Safety is our top priority. There will no bus transportation tomorrow. If youContinue Reading
Flood Warning Issued Starting Thursday Until Further Notice
Marion County Alert: FLOOD WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY MORNING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Flood Warning issued January 31 at 11:01AM CST by NWS Shreveport LA * ADDITIONAL DETAILS…Continue Reading
Today in Texas History: January 31
1872: Grand jury indicts governor over disputed election results On this day in 1872, a Reconstruction-era grand jury indicted Republican governor E. J. Davis for “willfully, unlawfully and feloniously [making] a false and untrue tabular statement” of the election results for the Third District congressional seat. Dewitt Clinton Giddings, theContinue Reading
Tonight’s Lady Dawg games rescheduled
Per Coach Allen – Girls Athletic DirectorBasketball Games originally scheduled for tonight at West Rusk have been postponed until Thursday because of the inclement weather in the area.Continue Reading
Ruthann Hargroves Skinner
May 7, 1958 ~ January 30, 2023 Memorial Services for Ruthann Hargroves Skinner, 64, of Marshall, Texas. will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at 2pm in the Cpt. Wm. Perry Chapel of Haggard Funeral with Apostle Lionel Childress officiating. Ruthann was born on May 7, 1958, in Texas City, TexasContinue Reading
Winter weather possible this week ATLANTA – Due to the possibility of winter weather conditions this week, TxDOT crews in Bowie, Cass, Camp, Marion, Morris, Titus and Upshur Counties began pretreating many roads and bridges with brine today. Crews are focusing on pretreating the most highly traveled roadways, which include InterstateContinue Reading
JJHS Wrap up seasons
From Coach Schubert: Junior Hight Girls Basketball Season The 8th grade Lady Bullpups traveled to West Rusk this past Thursday for their final game of the season and came home with a 40-16 win! Scorers were Mariya Johnson with 2, Anna Hauptman with 3, Avery Ephram with 4, Chloe WoodContinue Reading
Today in Texas History: January 30
1840: Englishman and future critic arrives in Texas On this day in 1840, British lawyer and writer Nicholas Maillard arrived in Texas. He settled in Richmond, where he acquired a reputation as a mixer of excellent drinks and became coeditor of the Richmond Telescope. In May and June 1840 he made severalContinue Reading
Weekly Roadwork Report – January 29 – February 4, 2023
Bowie County Camp County Cass County Harrison County Panola County Titus County Upshur County Continue Reading
Today In Texas History: January 29
1881: Rangers ambush Apaches at Hueco Tanks On this day in 1881, a company of Texas Rangers ambushed a group of fugitive Guadalupe Apaches at Hueco Tanks, thirty miles east of El Paso. Hueco, Spanish for “hollow,” refers to the hollows in the rocks that collect rainwater, which has long been oneContinue Reading
Today In Texas History: January 28
1836: Italian hero of San Jacinto arrives in Texas On this day in 1836, Prospero Bernardi arrived in Texas aboard the schooner Pennsylvania as a member of Capt. Amasa Turner’s volunteer company, raised in New Orleans. Bernardi was born in Italy in 1794 and was a notary by trade. He enlisted inContinue Reading
Student arrested after gun found in backpack at Jefferson High School
Hugh Lewis/Jefferson Jimplecute Jefferson High School had their first gun related incident of the year last Thursday when a loaded .22 caliber revolver was found in a student’s backpack. School officials found the gun following a search to locate a vape which had triggered automatic sensors in one of theContinue Reading
Local boxers use the sport to stay fit in the new year
Hugh Lewis/Jefferson Jimplecute While Morgan Jackson may not be the next Joe Frazier, or Muhammad Ali, he is looking for the next knockout opportunity to help change someone’s life. “I don’t necessarily want to be the next coach for Floyd Mayweather or anything like that,” said Jackson. “But I wantContinue Reading
Bryce Clark sets powerlifing record
Jefferson Bulldog powerlifter Bryce Clark set a record last week with a 700 lbs. squat lift at Red River FCA meet. Lady Dawg Tawny Foster also placed first in the girls meet after squatting 260 lbs., bench pressing 160 lbs. and dead lifting 265 lbs.Continue Reading
Our Town Jefferson
City Offices moved Jefferson City Hall offices have been moved to 305 E. Austin Street (green door at west end of building) until further notice. Please call 903-601-4377 for your utility balance or any other questions. If no one is available, please leave a message and someone will return yourContinue Reading