Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute  Jock Lauterer, the director of the Carolina Community Media Project, defines a “community newspaper” as a newspaper that serves a specific location with a circulation of 50,000 or less. The Jefferson Jimplecute  proudly fits this criteria and serving our community is something we take very seriously.  Community newspapersContinue Reading

Ken Bridges/Contributing writer Success in business is often a combination of timing, determination, and imagination.  One Houston businessman, Jesse H. Jones had all these qualities and an innate sense of enterprise to build a fortune that changed the landscape of Texas’s biggest city.  Jones became a giant in Houston business circles,Continue Reading

Norsha Cone, 77, died on January 19, 2023. A native Texan, Norsha and her husband, Tim, retired to the mountains of Western North Carolina in 2016. Norsha is survived by her husband; her son, Noel Bass; and her sister, Iris Mobley. She is also survived by a host of otherContinue Reading

JHS students attending DECA District 6 Leadership Conference and qualifying for DECA state competition are: Xavier Brown-Robinson & Eden Hopes – Sports & Entertainment Team Decision Making Charlene Moore – Apparel & Accessories Marketing Series Braylon Fortson & Kenya Ross – Hospitality Services Team Decision Making Alaysia Durden – PrinciplesContinue Reading

July 15, 1936 ~ January 23, 2023 Funeral Services for Peter Gunter Henderson, III, 86, of Jefferson, Texas will be held on Thursday, January 26, 2023, at 11AM in the Cpt. Wm. Perry Chapel of Haggard Funeral Home with Rev. Mark Markle and Rev. Carl Teel officiating and Carey B. Heaster, Jr.Continue Reading

Monday’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr National Holiday Celebration, sponsored by the Marion County Diversified Civic and Social Concerns Organization [MCDCSCO], brought a city together to remember what MLK stood for, and how, if everyone is working together, a better future can be had for everyone in Jefferson. The Rev.Continue Reading

City of Jefferson

Staff Reports Consent Agenda items which were moved to Action Items, presentations, and public comment took up over 90 minutes of the two-hour Jefferson City Council meeting Tuesday night. Council spent 30 minutes listening to citizens speak about three topics: a quiet zone; support for Alderman Richard Turner following socialContinue Reading

Memorial Services for Lloyd Douglas “Doug” Coyne, 77, of Jefferson, Texas. will be held on Saturday, January 28, 2023 at 12pm in the Cpt. Wm. Perry Chapel of Haggard Funeral. A visitation will be held from 10am through 12pm on Saturday, January, 28, 2023 in the Cpt. Wm. Perry ChapelContinue Reading

City offices moving City offices have temporarily relocated to the education room at the Jefferson Visitor’s Center for the next few weeks as engineers examine the City Hall building and determine a course of action. According to Jefferson Mayor Rob Baker, there may be some foundation issues going on atContinue Reading

Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute A few years ago, we had a highly contested referendum on the ballot in a community where I managed the local newspaper.  It was one of those issues that you were either for or you were against.  There was plenty of rhetoric on both sides.  The newspaper hadContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer Old sayings are a good way to remind us not to do stupid things.  For example, I’ve often heard, “Don’t cut your nose off to spite your face.”  This phrase warns us against acts of self-harm.  We often act out of anger and end up hurting ourselves.Continue Reading

Private Memorial Services for Ralph Arthur Finley, 66, of Jefferson, Texas were held. Ralph was born on April 26, 1956, in Fort Collins, Colorado to John and Delilah and passed away on January 12, 2023, in Jefferson, Texas. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Jefferson, Texas.Continue Reading