These students were chosen as Students of the Month for December at Jefferson Elementary School.  They were chosen for exhibiting trustworthiness, respect, caring, citizenship, responsibility, and fairness were 1st Grade, Shiloh Wennerstrom; 2nd Grade, McKenzie Williams and Fisher Collum; 3rd Grade, Cruz Thomas; and 4th Grade, Kaidyn Fierros, Kindall Harrell,Continue Reading

Jefferson ISD has named its Honor Roll for the 2nd nine-weeks of the current school year:  A Honor Roll First Grade Tyler Biddy, Luna Bennett, Braxton Breckenridge, Gabriel Goode, Catcher (Levi) Hitchcock, Madison Horan, J’Prince Johnson, E’Lexha Jones, Jacob Long, Madelyn Mears, Skylar Mireles, Melodie Moore, Wesley Morris, Carter Petersen,Continue Reading

The Don’t Mess with Texas® Scholarship Contest is now accepting applications for the 2023 school year.  Any Texas high school senior currently attending public, private or home school, and planning to attend an accredited Texas college or university in the fall 2023 semester is eligible to apply. Judges will selectContinue Reading

Marion County resident Frank Hick is making a return appearance on the Discovery Channel show “Moonshiners: Master Distiller”, this month.  This time it’s a competition show where the stars of the hit show “Moonshiners” judge distillers from across the country as they create a moonshine from raw ingredients. Frank isContinue Reading

What to expect in legislative session The 2023 Texas legislative session opened Jan. 10, with property taxes, gun control and the power grid expected to be among the top issues on the agenda. The Texas Standard talked to political journalists Niki Griswold of the Austin American-Statesman and James Barragàn of the Texas TribuneContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

 V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Old habits die hard, and Tuesday night’s lengthy, and sometimes hostile, discussions of agenda items proved that fact. Ward 3/1 Alderman Richard Turner kicked off the evening’s discussions by moving two building permits and all 10 stop sign requests from the consent agenda to actionContinue Reading

Jennifer Middleton Perry Jefferson Jimplecute  As the new year begins, so does the tenure of Michael Walker, Jefferson Independent School District’s new superintendent. On Jan. 1, the district’s former assistant superintendent will replace Rob Barnwell, who retired in December after 9 years as JISD’s superintendent and 34 total years inContinue Reading

Meetings • Commissioners Court, Jan. 6, 9a • Tourism, Jan. 9, 5:30p • JEDCO, Jan 10, 5:30p • City and County Offices are closed, Jan. 16 • MCDCSCO MLK Banquet, Jan 16. 6p • City Council, Jan 17, 5:30p VFW Fish Fry The Jefferson chapter of the Veterans of ForeignContinue Reading

Staff Reports Marion County Commissioners kicked off 2023 by swearing in newly elected officials at a meeting in the District Courtroom Tuesday morning. Gregg County Judge Bill Stoudt traveled over to Jefferson to swear in Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur. LaFleur then had newly elected Pct. 4 Commissioner Gered LeeContinue Reading

Glenn Melancon/Contributing writer In October of 1929 the New York Stock market crashed and took down the global economy.  Conservative President Herbert Hoover chose to keep government help limited.  For the next three years the economy remained in free fall.  This horrible experience taught voters that something had to change. Continue Reading

Editor’s Note: As the Texas Legislative session begins next week, we’ll resume the online publication of this feature which provides updates on what has happened and what is coming up in the session. Feds investigating meltdown at Southwest Airlines Massive flight cancellations by Southwest Airlines during the Christmas holiday weekContinue Reading

German Shepherd/Belgian Malinois Mix All Black & Traditional Colored Parents AKC Registered Pure Bred Weaned and eating puppy food. Age: 1 month old Contact Hunter Bonner:  940-300-9972, hunterbonner@outlook.comContinue Reading

Gardening by David Wall

By David Wall Onions are a fun crop to grow, requiring some soil preparation, but very little maintenance. They tolerate most soils and transplanting extremely well. Onions have a history possibly exceeding 5,000 years, so they’ve been around awhile, and it’s hard to imagine many foods without them. I haveContinue Reading