V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute Several hundred households on the North Shore of Lake O’the Pines spent part of the Christmas weekend without full water service due to freezing temperatures and water main breaks. Customers in the Mims Water District and Aqua Water Utility Services areas have been under boilContinue Reading

Austin Lewter/Jefferson Jimplecute  The Jefferson Bulldog football team were well-represented on the District 6-3A All-District football team when selections were announced last month.  Senior Chris Bowman was named District Co-MVP— a title he shared with Tatum’s Cole Watson.  Sophomore Keshawn Whitatker was named Defensive Lineman of the Year. Senior LukeContinue Reading

Meetings • City and County Offices will be CLOSEDJan 2 • Commissioners Court, Dec. 30, 9a • Commissioners Court, Jan 3, 9a • City Council, Jan 3, 5:30p • North Shore Water Discussion, 6:30p Jan 3. Mims Community Center Carnival The Excelsior House Hotel will be kicking off Carnival SeasonContinue Reading

Marion County Seal

V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute  Marion County Commissioners will hold their last meeting of 2022 at 9 a.m. Friday when they will wrap up the County’s business. Items on the agenda include accepting Special Budget revenue from the U.S. Treasury LATCF funds in the amount of $92,974.20 and then designatingContinue Reading

To the editor, In 2019 Medicare quietly launched a scheme called Direct Contracting allowing insurance companies to control the healthcare of tens of millions of traditional Medicare and Medicare supplement beneficiaries. Direct Contracting inserts a for profit company between patients and medical providers. Companies are paid a monthly fee toContinue Reading

Four Jefferson Bulldogs were named District Superlatives when the District 6-3A All-District Team was announced late last month. From left, senior Chris Bowman, District MVP; sophomore Keshawn Whitaker, Defensive Lineman of the Year; senior Luke McMullen, Offensive Player of the Year; and Domonik Rivers, Special Teams Player of the Year. Continue Reading

The Jefferson Bulldogs were well represented on the District 6-3A First Team roster. From left, senior Cortavion Massingill, First Team Defensive Back; senior Knox Tomlinson, First Team Running Back; senior Erik Burns, First Team Quarterback and First Team Defensive Back; junior Bryce Clark, First Team Offensive Lineman; senior Kenneth Ross,Continue Reading

The Jefferson Bulldogs were well represented on the District 6-3A Second Team roster. From left, senior Hasheem Ector, Second Team Defensive Backs; senior Devonta Waites, Second Team Defensive Lineman; senior Jacobie Goynes, Second Team Offensive Lineman; and senior Datravion Smith, Second Team Linebacker. Not pictured are sophomore Chris Love, SecondContinue Reading

Ten  Bulldogs received Honorable Mention All-District Honors. From left, junior Anthony Flenoury, Honorable Mention Tight End, junior Joshaua Bittle, Honorable Mention Linebacker; senior Ashton Williams, Honorable Mention Reciever and Corner back; sophomore Chris Bowman, Honorable Mention Linebacker; senior Jace Lahay, Honorable Mention Running Back and Linebacker; junior Luis Gomez, HonorableContinue Reading

Ten Jefferson Bulldogs received Academic All-District Honors. Such recognition is given to varsity team members whole excel on the field as well as in the classroom by maintaining an overall grade point average of at least 92%. From left, senior Gregory Simmons, senior Parker Key, junior Domonik Rivers, senior LukeContinue Reading

Both Jefferson Bullpup Basketball A teams picked up wins last week over North Caddo. The 7th grade A team won North Caddo 29-27 after a Braiden Ventimiglia game winner steal and bucket. Braiden totaled 12 points on the night.  Other scorers included:  Jakyi Williams- 7 points.  Kayden Grigsby- 5 points. Continue Reading

History Today Texas

1852: The railroad comes to Texas On this day in 1852, the first railroad locomotive in Texas was placed in service by the Buffalo Bayou, Brazos and Colorado Railway. It was named for Gen. Sidney Sherman, one of the owners of the railroad. The engine, believed to have been builtContinue Reading

Jacquita Lewter/Special to the Jimplecute  Editor’s note: This story was first published in 2011. The writer passed away in 2015.  Over the years certain commercial images have become symbols linked to the Christmas season and are easily identified with this time of year. One of the most popular and wellContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

V. Hugh Lewis II/Jefferson Jimplecute  Jefferson’s final City Council meeting of the year was cancelled Tuesday afternoon after Mayor Rob Baker became aware there would not be able to form a quorum. The agenda held mostly routine business items but also included the City’s appointment to the Marion County AppraisalContinue Reading