This morning Texas Governor Gregg Abbott issued an executive order scaling back restaurant capacity to 50% as of Monday, closed all bars as of noon today, shut down river rafting/float operations, and prohibited outdoor gatherings of 100 people or more unless approved by local government. The Herald will go liveContinue Reading

The Marion County Herald will hold a live stream Question and Answer session at 3 p.m. on Thursday to discuss Texas Governor Gregg Abbott’s Open Texas plan for restarting the State’s economy. Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur and Jefferson Mayor Pro-Tem Victor Perot will be answering questions submitted in advanceContinue Reading

Marion County Judge Leward LaFleur was notified late Tuesday afternoon by Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) of the county’s 10th COVID-19 case. The county has 9 active cases and 1 which is considered recovered. DSHS data shows Marion County received it’s first notification of COVID-19 case son AprilContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Monday’s announcement by Governor Greg Abbott that the Texas National Guard would be mobilizing more than 1,200 personnel to create COVID-19 mobile testing teams (MTT) to various parts of the state left rural counties wondering whether or not they’d have access to testing locations.Continue Reading

Marion County Seal

Note: A live Question and Answer Session will be held on Wednesday morning at 11 a.m. with LaFleur to address concerns and questions residents may have. Questions will be taken from “Comments” on the live stream or may be submitted in advance to the Herald via email or FB messengerContinue Reading