Wedding Shower Ian Gale and Madison Ho are inviting their church family and the community to attend a couples shower at 5p.m. Sunday at the Jefferson Transportation Center. Football Practice Begins The JHS Football Team will formally begin practice at 8 a.m. Monday, August 2, 2021, at the High SchoolContinue Reading

From Shannon Hensley, JISD BAND Director Well, this year has certainly provided its share of challenges and obstacles to overcome. Today, the Jefferson Bulldog Band attended their UIL region 4 concert and sight reading contest. While our stage rating fell a little short of superior, the progress made from thisContinue Reading

By V. Hugh Lewis II, publisher Without question Edmond Ray Schellinger was known as “Mr. Bulldog.” And Tuesday night’s JISD School Board meeting showed what Jefferson has lost with his passing, as the Board moved to name the High School baseball field “Schellinger Field.” Schellinger passed away on November 9,Continue Reading