Magnolia Place EOM Named  Magnolia Place’s employee of the month for August is Ashley Young, a CNA.  Ashley is a very dedicated CNA. She is always willing to help out, she takes excellent care of her residents and goes above and beyond with kindness and care.  She always comes toContinue Reading

The Jefferson Economic Development Corporation (JEDCO) held a shortened meeting Tuesday evening.  Because of an agenda posting error, they were not allowed to legally go in to Executive Session. The error was pointed out to them at the beginning of last month’s meeting, yet the correction did not get made.Continue Reading

City of Jefferson

Council meeting reset due bad weather By V. Hugh Lewis, Jefferson Jimplecute UPDATE: Saturday, February 20, 8 a.m.: The Agenda Amended has been amended. Mayor Rob Baker informed the Jimplecute/Herald on Friday he was making two small changes to Tuesday’s Council meeting. The first is that Gene Keenon is unableContinue Reading

City of Jefferson

JEDCO President Bob Avery sent out an email on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, formally cancelling the May meeting scheduled to be held on May 12. “For safety/health reasons, we have cancelled the regular monthly Jedco meeting which would have been held on 5/12/2020,” the email read. This is the secondContinue Reading