From Edward Jones’ Joey Romano You can demonstrate this resilience by answering these questions: What is your specific goal? What obstacle do you face in achieving this goal? How can you overcome this obstacle?  Here are some examples of how this resiliency process works:  Goal: Building sufficient retirement funds  ToContinue Reading

From Edward Jones’ Joey Romano The recent market volatility has affected just about everybody’s financial and investment situations – so, if you were planning to retire soon, will it still be possible? Of course, the answer depends somewhat on your employment situation. With so many people’s jobs being affected byContinue Reading

From Edward Jones’ Joey Romano The social distancing and stay-at-home orders necessitated by the coronavirus have led many of us to feel isolated. Still, we’ve fought back through social media, “virtual” gatherings and walks in the neighborhood, where we could greet friends and neighbors (from 6 feet away). But whenContinue Reading